Do dreams mean anything?

I'm really interested in the movie Inception because I've always been interested in dreams and whether or not they mean anything. Are they there to reveal our subconscious or are they just there for something our brain to do when we're inactive?

I remember one time I had a dream that I had polished off a bottle of Captain Morgan at a party and when I woke up I felt completely hung over until about 5 minutes later when I realized it was a dream and my fatigue and headache went away. I have also had dream where I'm spinning around and when I wake up, I'm actually really dizzy. It's really weird how dreams can actually physically affect someone.

The there are the deja vu dreams where you dream about something and then it happens later on in your life. I've had this happen numerous times where when I woke up, the dream didn't seem important but weeks or even years later, the exact same thing happens in reality, and it is literally the same exact event.

I have noticed that if I'm usually away from friends for a while, most of my dreams then involve them. But if I'm around them a lot, most of my dreams are me alone or with people I've never met before. That's when I got to thinking that dreams may be there to make up for things we may be lacking in our lives. Like where if you're not masturbating or getting laid enough, you're more likely to have a wet-dream just because your body needs to circulate sperm (at least for guys, not sure about the ladies).

But I do also believe some dreams only exist to entertain our minds during our body's downtime. What do you guys think?

Also, if you don't know about the movie Inception, here's the trailer. I think it looks awesome



Member, you member...
A couple times I was asleep and was dreaming that I was sleeping - so I had to wake up twice.
One time I dreamed that I was taking a leak and when I woke, the bed was soaked! I am proof positive of Inception!


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Bronze Member
One time I dreamed that I was taking a leak and when I woke, the bed was soaked! I am proof positive of Inception!

I thought i was the only guy who experienced that. Was running down a street, rattling doors, all locked, finally made it to a toilet with a wall-hung urinal, and felt the bliss of letting it go after that looooong run down that street.

Yes, then I woke up.

Another fascinating thing about dreams is you can enhance the dream experience with a high dose of Bourbon Vanille, those black gnarly sticks with the black granula with the pure vanilla taste in it - Marie Antoinette used to drink more than 30 cups of it each day, for a good reason.

I once made the experiment and got me five bourbon vanille sticks, got all of the natural vanilla out and made a large cup of cocoa before going to sleep

That was a night where I had what resembled those early technicolor movies. Extreme strong colours and a wild wild story, pirates and all.
Dreams- described by my psychologist during my sessions because of PTSD and depression as "gum on your mental shoe".

They mean nothing- they are a process of your brain unraveling all the stuff you have been thinking about or that's just floating around in that noggin.

I remember flipping through some book that was a "dream dictionary", and that if you dream of tigers, it means wealth is coming, if you dream of lightning, then... blah blah etc. etc.




Hiliary 2020
i dream that i'm being chased or pursued by the law or a mob a lot.
theyre actually pretty cool dreams, adrenelyne pumpin, crazy stuff happening, action, sometimes violence.

so what does it mean? i think either i have a guilty conscience or i've watched the warriors and first blood one too many times.
i dream that i'm being chased or pursued by the law or a mob a lot.
theyre actually pretty cool dreams, adrenelyne pumpin, crazy stuff happening, action, sometimes violence.

so what does it mean? i think either i have a guilty conscience or i've watched the warriors and first blood one too many times.

Meesterperfect....come out and playyyay!!!!

It can be fascinating when you think about your dreams and find out what they mean. The best thing about dreams is when you actually know that you're dreaming. Mostly I dream that I watch tv and then I become part of the movie.

Inception is my Most Wanted this year
One time I dreamed that I was taking a leak and when I woke, the bed was soaked! I am proof positive of Inception!

Been there. One time I had a dream that I couldn't find a toilet or urinal in any bathroom at this club. So finally I snuck into an ally behind the building and went to piss even though people were staring at me. I realized I was dreaming and woke up, but it was too late.

I think the whiskey might have been an aid to the scenario.

Anyway, I forget whose theory this is, but somebody said that dreams are a result of unfinished thoughts. If your thoughts get interrupted by somebody or something, they manifest themselves in dreams. I tend to believe that. That's why it's a good idea to tell yourself what you won't dream before you go to sleep.

When I was a kid, I had these horrible nightmares so my parents went out and bought me this stuffed animal, Baku. It was based on a Japanese legend of an elephant-trunked lion that eats dreams. Like magic, I never had a bad dream when I slept next to it. The reason, I figure, was because it was the last thing I saw every night, a subconscious reminder not to have bad dreams.
that movie does look like fun times and as to what dreams mean i suppose they mean something if they mean something to in if you can find meaning in a dream then it is meaningful to you....hmmm well you get what i mean...damn that fucking word


do they mean anything? Jung certainly believed them to be symbols from the unconcious. I tend to think he's right. There's two fields of thought regarding dream analysis, the Jungian school and the new age bullshit school.

DJ Cowboy I recommend to you this book by Jungian psychologist Robert Johnson. It's a great read if you are interested in this subject
Are they there to reveal our subconscious or are they just there for something our brain to do when we're inactive?

The answer could be both. Of course even if we assume that is the case telling when it's definitively one or the other can be almost impossible.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I have short term memory loss how the fuck am I supposed to remember dreams when I can't even remember what I just posted um right now about the 10 seconds it took you to read this post....I got to stop watching Memento and drinking frozen mudslide mix at midnight.