The Democratic Party seems to have no earthly idea why it is so damn unpopular
A troubling new poll was just released showing that the Democratic Party is significantly less popular than both Donald Trump and Mike Pence. My gut tells me that Democrats will ignore this poll, or blame it on bad polling, and continue down the same course they are currently on: being funded by lobbyists and the 1%, straddling the fence or outright ignoring many of most inspirational issues of the time, and blaming Bernie Sanders for why they aren’t in power right now.
As a general rule the Democratic Party doesn’t listen well and struggles to hear the truth about itself.
In case you’ve been living under a rock, Republicans now control the House, the Senate, the presidency, and the overwhelming majority of state legislatures and governorships. This new poll from Suffolk University illustrates just how that’s possible. Here are the base results of the poll with favorable/unfavorable ratings.
Pence: 47%/35%
Trump: 45%/47%
GOP: 37%/48%
Media: 37%/50%
Dem Party: 36%/52%
Hillary: 35%/55%
Congress: 26%/52%
In 2016, Democrats elected the most establishment possible an rejected a progressive candidate. And that same year, that establishment candidate lost the general election.
In 2017 , Democrats elected an establishment candidate and rejected the progressive one to be the head of the party and fight Trump, Pence and th GOP
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
Justice Democrats NEEDS to be successful. They need to do to the Democratic Party what the Tea Party did to the GOP during the early 2000' : take it back for the people, for their voters.