Divide your rep by your post count

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The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I was told there would be no math. Ok. Fuck it. 102528/1169 = 87.7.

No fair! If I had terrific fuckin' boobs and an endearing personality my rep would be higher too.

I think she is armed with a weapon too. Complete bullshit!

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I'm up to 79.33. That's an improvement. God, (Allah, Jehovah, Xenu) help you people if my number ever decreases....
Hmmm...I am at 217.79

And I haven't even went topless...yet!! ;)


Ace Bandage

The one and only.
^^ Dirk's awesomeness quotient is only at 66. I always knew I was superior and now that is supported mathematically. And if you post that give-a-fuck meter in another one of my threads I'll stab you in the throat.

Alisa doesn't get to play (see what I did there :tongue:) because she has boobs and personality; that's an unfair advantage.
^^ Dirk's awesomeness quotient is only at 66. I always knew I was superior and now that is supported mathematically. And if you post that give-a-fuck meter in another one of my threads I'll stab you in the throat.

Alisa doesn't get to play (see what I did there :tongue:) because she has boobs and personality; that's an unfair advantage.

My throat is ready for your pathetic excuse for a fleshy man sword.

That's right. I'm at a big, lady pleasing 66. And I'm good with that.

Sorry buddy. No more fuckometer for you. I thought you'd find it funny, and perhaps use it yourself.

p.s. Don't fall asleep tonight. I'm lurking in your room with a knife. Your throat is my new "knife block."
^^ Dirk's awesomeness quotient is only at 66. I always knew I was superior and now that is supported mathematically. And if you post that give-a-fuck meter in another one of my threads I'll stab you in the throat.

Alisa doesn't get to play (see what I did there :tongue:) because she has boobs and personality; that's an unfair advantage.

Arlight I won't play anymore :( but I think you'll miss me in the end.
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