District 9

The new sci-fi film District 9 from director Peter Jackson (Lord Of the rings, King Kong) is due for release August 14, 2009.

Plot: An extraterrestrial race forced to live in slum-like conditions on Earth suddenly find a kindred spirit in a government agent that is exposed to their biotechnology.


You still trust movie trailers?

I did write a little bit after that refuting that statement. But I felt it wasnt needed. But anyway, yes trailers piss me off!!!! I'll give you an example; Red Cliff - John Woo historical action film, or so I thought. It was so melodramatic and long that I almost left.

Damn you trailer people, damn you!

There you go, that was basically what I was going to say only a little less well written because I'm getting drunker by the minute....


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I did write a little bit after that refuting that statement. But I felt it wasnt needed. But anyway, yes trailers piss me off!!!! I'll give you an example; Red Cliff - John Woo historical action film, or so I thought. It was so melodramatic and long that I almost left.

Damn you trailer people, damn you!

There you go, that was basically what I was going to say only a little less well written because I'm getting drunker by the minute....

What was this thread about again?
It looks like it might be interesting, but we'll have to see.

Has anyone seen the news broadcast style tv trailers? Those are kind of different, arent they?


You still trust movie trailers?

I love watching trailers, but I think I should stop. Sometimes they are better than the movie, for example Taken, the trailer gave me fucking goosebumps, and the movie was mediocre.

Other times, the trailer can ruin it. Like Sunshine, it gave away the fucking TWIST!! Terminator Salvation did the same kind of thing, surely Marcus being a robot was meant to be a twist? Yet they showed it in the trailer so we already knew!

As for District 9, I've been keeping an eye on this for a long time, it's got great potential, but I'm not getting my hopes up just yet. Moon is going to be the sci-fi of the year I think, but hopefully there is room for more...
It looks like it might be interesting, but we'll have to see.

Has anyone seen the news broadcast style tv trailers? Those are kind of different, arent they?

yeah thats whats awesome they are advertising in whole new way. Ive seen stickers, at a local movie theatre, next to the door that say HUMANS ONLY