You - again - prove a total misconception about what socialism is.
Just move on, I won't bother wasting time talking to you, you don't WANT to learn
I have seen enough in my country what have given 19 years of socialism (14 years with Mitterand and 5 years with Hollande) : more immigrants leeching of social helps, social housing, free healthcare, free social security, more taxes, more poverty, more criminality, more unemployment, debt, poor if not non existant economical growth and civil servants based economy so you don't tell me what socialism is about. Socialism is about distributing misery, unpatriotism, statelesness, taxes and zero ability to reform efficiently the country regarding economical and social aspects.
The socialists were described very accurately by De Gaulle in his March 1959 speech and I quote De Gaulle's words:"But what did you expect with this clique of good for nothing?Leftists seldom have big plans. They make demagogy, and use the movements of opinion. The left pulls the top of society down, by ideal of egalitarianism. That's how we ended up in the abyss in 1940 ...Socialists are eternal utopians, outcasts, stateless minds ...They always waste most of the credits.We have never seen them spend the credits effectively ...I do not like socialists because they are not socialists ...Unable to produce anything except deficits, losses and financial sinkholes (a sinister legacy for two-three decades), socialists are content to "distribute" wealth, using the shameless passage, thanks to the multitudes of taxes, that they are trying to create.Contributions and collections being the only drivers of their activity.To pillage, to "affairs," or ineptitude, mismanagement, abuse, decay, insecurity, then responds to discontent, popular anger that continues to grow day by day."