Dear republicans, you deserve this


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Bronze Member
Sums up my view of things to come for the former GOP


Dear Republicans,

You remember how this started, right? You got in bed with the ‘I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore’ Tea Party. You saw the Harvard Law Review Editor who just happened to be black and you lost your minds. You called him a Socialist. You said he never read the Constitution. You said he was a Muslim as if that were some slight when Muslims have fought and died for this country right beside citizens of every other religion. It was never enough. You never seemed to run out of the venom you spewed.

You played to the fears of white, male America. “He’s coming for your guns!” How many did the Great Gun Grabber actually get? You stared at twenty children slaughtered in Sandy Hook and turned up your palms and said, “This isn’t the time to talk about gun control.”

You listened and half-believed the conspiracy theorists who talked about the great conspiracy of Sandy Hook and too many of you accused the parents of being actors. The best of you, who used to care about your country first and your party second, kept silent and eventually began to participate in the madness

To me, despite the fact that the crazyness of the GOP skyrocketed during Obamas mandates, it all started during G. W. Bush's first campaign, when the Neo-conservatives got in bed with the radical evangelicals

Will E Worm


"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Constitutional Republic

U.S. Constitution

Article IV Section 4.

The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.
No it really started after the '94 election and Newt Gingrich became Speaker of the House pushing their Contract with America. From that point on they stopped trying to work with the Democrats or even the moderates in their own party. They were not interested in any reasonable compromise. It's been the era of Legislative Terrorism (our way or we blow everything up) ever since.
No it really started after the '94 election and Newt Gingrich became Speaker of the House pushing their Contract with America. From that point on they stopped trying to work with the Democrats or even the moderates in their own party. They were not interested in any reasonable compromise. It's been the era of Legislative Terrorism (our way or we blow everything up) ever since.

I think it started with Yalta or Truman beating Dewey. Those fucks have been running on fear, anger and resentment of some kind since the 40's. McCarthyism, communism, civil rights warnings, southern strategy, media is lying to you, they're taking your guns, gay marriage, illegal immigrants, terrorism, etc. etc.

American Southerners (conservative by nature) were afraid that putting fluoride in the water supply would poison them.


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Bronze Member
Next news: Looks like the anti-immigratgion candidate had a business getting underage aliens into the country for mdeling and housed them in a basement apartment.

Schlonged yourself, Donald.


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Bronze Member
From President Lincoln to whatever you may want to call Trump



Hiliary 2020
Well that article is complete bullshit and propaganda for one thing.

But Supa I've been trying to enlighten you. There is no difference between the Parties.
They are both owned by the same master.
They create stupid issues like abortion rights, trans gender garbage, blah blah blah to make the People think they are different.
But they are really just tossing the same hollow balls back and forth to each other.

Sadly, The US GOV has become a criminal mafia. They are a threat to the entire world.
Just ask the women in your country that have been beaten and raped by refugees all the recent wars have created.

The entire US GOV needs to be cleansed. Vetted. Both Parties.
The criminals need to be outed and actually prosecuted.
The vacancys need to be filled with people who will put their country first. Not the banks, not foreign interests, not their own bank accounts.
This is possible.
What really needs to happen is the Federal GOV needs to be scrapped from top to bottom and the individual States need to fix themselves, without impedement from a FEd GOV.. Then maybe a smaller more efficient Federal GOV can be created,with strict limitations.
And most important, NO More Central Banks.......ever.

So let the Republican Party crash and burn.
The other will follow. Its going down one way or another. Might as well rip the bandaid off fast and be done with it.


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Bronze Member
We are not as far apart as You Might think. But I don't think that we can have a president that would be as mental as Trump. Change MUST come, but you can't have comnpletely insane people with access to the nuclear codes


Hiliary 2020
We are not as far apart as you might think. But I don't think that we can have a president that would be as mental as Trump. Change MUST come, but you can't have comnpletely insane people with access to the nuclear codes

Yeah Trumps insane.
Have you heard what has been said and written by many many people who have had direct contact with HC?
People are afraid to go near this person. She's psychotic. All their stories in books and interviews over the years are all the same.
And talk about mental?
Have you looked at these people who are in power? Look at their faces? Look at pictures of these people.
Merkel, Hiliary, Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chuck Shumer, Lindsey Graham, Feinstein, and many many more.
They are clearly not mentally stable people. And the men can hide it easier than the women as they age.

But you know what? I don't care if Trump finds Jesus Christs corpse and rapes it at this point.
While the MSM and Hc's campaign in collusion with each other roll out all their paid "aspiring actresses and models" to accuse Trump of nudging or talking sexual to them, there is some serious stuff being set up by the real people in control.
And most people, like lambs to the slaughter remain completely oblivious to the danger they are in.
And HC is fully on board with all of it.
In the debates when HC is talking about Iran and Russia and fully promoting war with these countries and Trump says" I want to get along with them"..........that should be all anybody really needs. Right there.
Not trying to attack you Supa but C'mon.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I agree.

However, it would be intellectual dishonesty to ignore that the first two years of Obama's administration was excluding the Republicans and blaming them for everything. While still agreeing with your points, he hasn't seriously tried to work across the aisle.

That is the fucked-up thing about your great country's situation: Whereas the Democrats COULD have done so much better, they talked big and did little.

On the whole picture, youhave to push for candidates who get money out of politics and clear out the mess.