David Cameron: " I Support Gay Marriage Because I Am A Conservative"

say what you want about the Conservative part in the UK, but i prefer them to conservatives in the US,

while they may be economically right wing they're fairly liberal on social issues, as this story shows

thankfully mainstream conservativism in the UK doesn't have this large fundamentalist / extreme right wing which has dragged the GOP way right of centre in the last 20 - 30 years, and which, unfortunately, has dragged the political centre ground to the right in US politics, compared to decades ago

:2 cents:


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
say what you want about the Conservative part in the UK, but i prefer them to conservatives in the US,

while they may be economically right wing they're fairly liberal on social issues, as this story shows

thankfully mainstream conservativism in the UK doesn't have this large fundamentalist / extreme right wing which has dragged the GOP way right of centre in the last 20 - 30 years, and which, unfortunately, has dragged the political centre ground to the right in US politics, compared to decades ago

:2 cents:
Good points. Still hate the cunts tho.
He's a politician....of course he's lying ;)
The fundamental difference is that religion always plays a major part in US politics so Republicans will have to appear to adopt Christian values, in Europe we don't care what religion a politician follows and are only interested in their policies whilst in America you have to prove you're a Christian that regularly goes to church before you even have a chance of being elected