Dantes inferno demo....today on ps3 and 12/24 on 360

Dantes inferno demo should be on ps3 today and xbox later on this month according to IGN. The US psn store doesnt update till 'round evening time so I dont see it yet. I'm interested in trying this cause there's been alota buzz around this game for quite awhile. Is it because its labeled a God of War ripoff or will it be a great game????
I am waiting for reviews to get an idea of how it is. It looks interesting and I like how they are adding mature themes given the nature and topics of where it is coming from.

Time will tell. I think it will be a cult following hit like Dead Rising and still get a sequel. Which the sequel will be better than the first one.

Beyond that it sure does have a lot to live up to given it is being called a copy of God of War and Devil May Cry, if I remember reading once.

Either way, given the nature of games out there, this one stands out but the final copy will let us all know for sure. I try to stay away from demos usually given they still have kinks and stinks left in them and are usually nowhere near what the final product will be.
just played the demo......why dont they just go the whole nine yards and rename it "God of Wars inferno"...????
just played the demo......why dont they just go the whole nine yards and rename it "God of Wars inferno"...????

Good thing or a bad thing? I saw the trailer and was indifferent towards it, I heard the God of War ripoff claim now that isnt a bad thing. Why wouldnt you want to copy a very successful franchise's template? But can it live down the hype or the fact that its a GOW clone?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I found it quite entertaining.
Good thing or a bad thing? I saw the trailer and was indifferent towards it, I heard the God of War ripoff claim now that isnt a bad thing. Why wouldnt you want to copy a very successful franchise's template? But can it live down the hype or the fact that its a GOW clone?

It was more of a statement than a verdict. I'm having a hard time getting into any different games than I have right now. I'm involved in Call of dookie online still,Assassins2,uncharted2 online.......so to me it was just a demo of a game that aint out for awhile.

The start of the new year is stacked....GodOFwar3,Bad Co.2,call of dookie DLC etc. With all that its hard to look at a new ip thats yet to establish itself for my hard earned $$$$.
Let's see, it looks like God of War.... It plays like God of War.... The story is like God of.... okay well the story isn't quite like God of War but it's got a similar use of mythology with God of War using Greek and Dante's Inferno using Biblical. I like it and I might end up getting it for PS3 rather than XBOX to keep it with God of War 3.
After hearing and playing the demo, I gotta say while it is quite good, it is terribly like God of War where I would remember doing something very similar in GOW that I did in Dantes. Also the locations in the demos had me going back to Assassins Creed. Its probably a game I would get on the cheap rather than drop $64 at the release, even with all the tits.
I just played the demo and even though it seems very much like a GoW ripoff, ultimately,that's not a bad thing.As a matter of fact,I think this game is pretty awesome so far and can't wait to get my hands on the full game.

This will be a very good tune-up game before GoW 3 comes out.I'll even go out on a limb and say that it very well could be just as good as GoW 3 and could be one of those surprise hits of the year.