Damn this place has been slow lately...


Postal Paranoiac
They've been turned into zombies. And they're gonna eat yer brains.:rolleyes:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I've been busy with the whole real life thing lately. Between coaching and work, I'm making my contribution to humanity. Too bad I don't get rep points that way...
The influx of 1 posts noobs lately is whats annoyed me, not so much the "Im hear to get banned tonight" crowd, but the ones that do seem to get passed the barb wire fences and machine gun towers, dont bring as much as some of the regulars seem to.

Threads called "You guys like boobs?" and the repetition of some of the most commonly asked dumb questions, dont draw the regulars, then whatever regulars that are about seem to lay low.
Where is everybody?

Andronicus Ry - anger management training, ten sessions a week
whimsy - tea party convention
BlueBalls and Dirk - fucking each other unconscious
mrtrebus - men's restroom, cubicle seven
Will E - standing on a cardboard box on Main Street
alexpnz - travelling through the land from farting contest to farting contest
jod - lurking in the bushes around Sparky's house
Sparky - hiding from jod
me - Alcoholics Notorious
Where is everybody?

Andronicus Ry - anger management training, ten sessions a week
whimsy - tea party convention
BlueBalls and Dirk - fucking each other unconscious
mrtrebus - men's restroom, cubicle seven
Will E - standing on a cardboard box on Main Street
alexpnz - travelling through the land from farting contest to farting contest
jod - lurking in the bushes around Sparky's house
Sparky - hiding from jod
me - Alcoholics Notorious

You must spred some reputation around before you give it to GregCenauro again. :D
So now are we going to start calling the roll around here to see who's still around?
i live in michigan and we dont see warm weather often so anything over 55 and my ass is outside
YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM JOD!!! I'm with you in the Alcoholics Notorious area as I sit here and twist off another cap of the cold brew...now you know why I am not a super model...I love my BEER :thumbsup:

Where is everybody?

Andronicus Ry - anger management training, ten sessions a week
whimsy - tea party convention
BlueBalls and Dirk - fucking each other unconscious
mrtrebus - men's restroom, cubicle seven
Will E - standing on a cardboard box on Main Street
alexpnz - travelling through the land from farting contest to farting contest
jod - lurking in the bushes around Sparky's house
Sparky - hiding from jod
me - Alcoholics Notorious