Dakota Access Pipeline construction halted

U.S. Army Denies Permit for Dakota Access Pipeline Construction

Construction of the pipeline will be halted

The current Dakota Access pipeline route will be denied, the U.S. Army announced on Sunday, in a victory to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and activists against the construction.

Assistant secretary for civil works Jo-Ellen Darcy confirmed the decision on Sunday, and said it was based on a need to “explore alternate routes for the pipeline crossing.” Work on the controversial pipeline will halt so the Army Corps of Engineers can conduct an environmental impact study to look at possible alternative routes for the 1,170-mile project.

“Although we have had continuing discussion and exchanges of new information with the Standing Rock Sioux and Dakota Access, it’s clear that there’s more work to do,” Darcy said in a statement. “The best way to complete that work responsibly and expeditiously is to explore alternate routes for the pipeline crossing.”

Thousands of Native American and environmental activists have protested the building of the pipeline for months, saying it violates the rights of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, and will add to detrimental climate change. In recent months, protests have escalated in violence as authorities have attacked demonstrators with tear gas, rubber bullets and water hoses.

“We wholeheartedly support the decision of the administration and commend with the utmost gratitude the courage it too on the part of President Obama, the Army Corps., the Department of Justice and the Department of the Interior to take steps to correct the course of history and to do the right thing,” Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairman Dave Archambault II said in a statement.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders tweeted that he appreciated Obama for listening to the activists.

“In 2016, we should not continue to trample on Native American sovereignty,” he wrote. “And we should not become more dependent on fossil fuels.”

In a statement, secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell commended the Army for its decision.

“The thoughtful approach established by the Army today ensures that there will be an in-depth evaluation of alternative routes for the pipeline and closer look at potential impacts, as envisioned by NEPA,” she wrote. “The Army’s announcement underscores that tribal rights reserved in treaties and federal law, as well as Nation-to-Nation consultation with tribal leaders, are essential components of the analysis to be undertaken in the environmental impact statement going forward.”
An openly gay Sec of The Army implements Obama's agenda handed down by Ashton Carter.

Shocking I tell ya..
Don't you worry, starting January 20th we are going to implement an America First agenda and closet cases like Fanning can go back into the closet. The social engineering of our military will cease.

I guess I don't understand govt.
It seems projects get started with a route
the route should be announced and every one can complain and get a settlement- one a final route
then start the building project


it starts and b fore long it is taking a lot of detours

of course once you get started you might find problems that crop up
like physical barriers and have to change the route.

I was a little leary of running the other big one- near the oglalla acquifer




There's nothing eco-friendly about oil or any other fossil fuels.
Plus a few thousand miles of oil pipeline is an easy target for terrorists.
If they build it someone will blow it up.


I know oil pipelines are "Intelligently Designed", I was just pointing out the risks that oil pipelines, and the potential to pollute miles of clean land, would be a magnet for terrorists...or an accident caused by oil companies using cheap building materials to maximize their profits.

Profits > Human Lives.

Science has proven that a pipeline is the safest and most eco-friendly way to transport oil.

Fucking science deniers.
Just because it's the best, doesn't mean it's good.

There already many pipelines in the US, is it really necessary to build others ? Isn't time to stop or to decrease (or even to stop increasing) our oil consumption, to devellope others sources of energy ?

Trump administration vows to review.

Suck it commies.


1) This has nothing to do with communism. Actually, "Suck it greenies" will be more accurate.

2) Trump vow to review the case. It doesn't mean he's gonna repeal that decision.

3) If Trump allows the construction to resume, I guarantee you the numbers of protester will sky-rocket. And they will be even more determined. If Trump allows the construction to resume, it's gonna be bloody, on both sides.
You gus have a serious issues about politics : you think the world is binary, you think that there's only capitalists and commies, you consider everything that doesn't put corporate profit ahead of everything else is communism.
Social-democracy, greens, socialism, communism, etc. to you it's all the same, it's the Left, the commies, the marxists. Well guess what : it's much more complicated than that.
Tony Blair and Gerhard Schroder were social-democrats and his policy was much more comparable to Reagan's Thatcher's than to Stalin's and Castro's.

Pretending that the Greens are no different fom the commies is like pretending that David Duke and Dwight Eisenhower are the same.
You gus have a serious issues about politics : you think the world is binary, you think that there's only capitalists and commies, you consider everything that doesn't put corporate profit ahead of everything else is communism.
Social-democracy, greens, socialism, communism, etc. to you it's all the same, it's the Left, the commies, the marxists. Well guess what : it's much more complicated than that.
Tony Blair and Gerhard Schroder were social-democrats and his policy was much more comparable to Reagan's Thatcher's than to Stalin's and Castro's.

Pretending that the Greens are no different fom the commies is like pretending that David Duke and Dwight Eisenhower are the same.

Climate change possesses a dialectical nature. Much like the dialectical materialism of socialism.Have you read the works of Marx and Engels?

You're living proof that it is better to be a student of the Marxist/Socialist philosophy. Instead of living in Euro socialism.

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