Could Extend Your Life by 10, 20 or 30 Years

Will E Worm

Rare Undersea Discovery Could Extend Your Life by 10, 20 or 30 Years

Humans have made incredible health strides and are living longer lives than ever. Many of the maladies that struck down our ancestors have for the most part been completely eliminated – everything from tuberculosis, to polio to malaria.

Today, the biggest killers stem as much from our lifestyles as from microscopic bacteria and viruses. One of the worst of these is heart disease, and specifically high blood pressure. It’s a slow, but efficient killer that robs many people of what should be the last 10, 20 or 30 years of their lives.

Part of the reason that heart disease is so prevalent and intractable is that it often requires massive changes to one’s lifestyle— changes that are not easy to make. Everything from radically altering ones diet to implementing serious exercise routines. And while it’s never too late to start, people often realize the true danger only when it’s too late to make the changes and the damage is done.

Now, however, there may be a scientific breakthrough that could have an impact on high blood pressure comparable to penicillin’s ability treat infections or quinine’s effect on malaria.

Scientists are claiming that they have now isolated unusual ingredients in a rare seaweed discovered by fishermen off the coast of Korea that offer incredible health benefits—including the ability to restore blood pressure to normal levels.

Dr. Haengwoo Lee, a renowned biochemist living near Seattle, Washington conducted a massive 15 year, multimillion dollar clinical study on these two ingredients. The first is Seanol, an extremely rare seaweed extract from Ecklonia Cava that's proven to be 100 times more powerful than any land-based antioxidant. That's because it stays working in your body for 12 hours, compared to land-based antioxidants that work for 30 minutes.

"Its secret is its make-up of special polyphenol antioxidants that are a whopping 40% lipid (fat) soluble," Dr. Lee explains. "Unlike nearly all land-based antioxidants that are water soluble, Seanol's protective compounds can get into things like the fatty tissues of your brain and penetrate all three layers of your cells, including the outside, the oil-based cell membranes, and your DNA."

Indeed, Seanol is so powerful, it's the only FDA-approved Ecklonia Cava marine-algae extract in existence.

The second ingredient is Calamarine, a deep-sea omega-3 discovery that delivers 85% more DHA omega-3s to your heart, brain, joints, and eyes. It's known to combat everything from fatigue and poor memory, to vision problems, joint pain, mood swings and depression.

With that research in mind, Dr. Lee combined Seanol and Calamarine with a high dose of vitamin D to form Marine-D3, the newest supplement in the fight against age-related illnesses and high blood pressure.

According to the CDC, about 1 in 3 U.S. adults has high blood pressure, which increases the risk for heart disease and stroke, the two leading causes of death in the United States. Increasing your omega-3 intake can reduce high blood pressure, and because it's difficult to get enough omega-3s in foods like fish and nuts, many people turn to supplements.

Dr. Lee found that Calamarine delivers some of the greatest concentration of omega-3s known to man, and has been able to formulate it without any fishy burps or aftertaste. Combined with Seanol's ability to reduce body inflammation, as well as help cells get the nutrients they need to thrive, stay healthy and protected, Marine-D3 is able to boost a body's entire well being.

The makers of Marine-D3 are so confident that you'll see fast dramatic results from this product, that if you aren't happy after two full months, simply return the unused portion and they'll buy it back. They'll even give you ten dollars extra just for giving it an honest try! That kind of faith, combined with Dr. Lee's exhaustive research, shows that Marine-D3 really is a one-of-a-kind product.

Fuck that! Why would I want to live another 30 years? I'm hoping I'm done before I turn 40.
Sometimes, I think that we've only extended old age, wich is the less interesting part of life...
What's the point of living 'till 90 years old instead of 80 if you just have 10 years more of the life you had from 75 to 80 ?

Will E Worm

Sometimes, I think that we've only extended old age, wich is the less interesting part of life...
What's the point of living 'till 90 years old instead of 80 if you just have 10 years more of the life you had from 75 to 80 ?


People should be living longer and better lives. If this is truly the modern age and we are supposed to be so advanced.
I believe that is the lie. We really aren't that advanced. We just have some gadgets. :facepalm:

Old age is not the "less interesting" part. :facepalm:

Learn to respect your elders.
Sometimes, I think that we've only extended old age, wich is the less interesting part of life...
What's the point of living 'till 90 years old instead of 80 if you just have 10 years more of the life you had from 75 to 80 ?

Very true.

Nice sig!
People who say things like this don't really want to die. You can end it all yourself. :tongue:


People should be living longer and better lives. If this is truly the modern age and we are supposed to be so advanced.
I believe that is the lie. We really aren't that advanced. We just have some gadgets. :facepalm:

Old age is not the "less interesting" part. :facepalm:

Learn to respect your elders.

Hey, look! Opinions stated as facts!
How did this guy not repeat as Asshat of the Year? Oh, that's right, there's a bigger asshat in town. Kinda hard to fathom.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I'd love it. Old people can get away with so much shit and never care what people think. Do whatever they want. Say whatever they want. All being tossed off because they are old. I'm looking forward to it. Sitting on my front porch with a tall Wild Turkey and water. "Hey you kids, get the fuck off of my lawn." Fuck with people everywhere you go till they just walk away. Young girls like sitting on the old guy's laps too. Hell yea. As long as I can still walk and save my bodily excretions for the bathroom I'll love making others lives a living hell.
Old age is not the "less interesting" part. :facepalm:

Learn to respect your elders.
Yo udon't get it (or maybe youy just want not to get it, just to avoid to agree with a liberal...)
I respect the elders.
But I think the last part of life is the least interesting to live.
Ask you father (or you grandfather if he's still alive) about it, ask him about all these exhilarating things he does, ask himabout the excitment that fills him when he wakes up and think about all what he could do today...

Will E Worm

I'd love it. Old people can get away with so much shit and never care what people think. Do whatever they want. Say whatever they want. All being tossed off because they are old. I'm looking forward to it. Sitting on my front porch with a tall Wild Turkey and water. "Hey you kids, get the fuck off of my lawn." Fuck with people everywhere you go till they just walk away. Young girls like sitting on the old guy's laps too. Hell yea. As long as I can still walk and save my bodily excretions for the bathroom I'll love making others lives a living hell.

Being older can be great. ;)

Yo udon't get it (or maybe youy just want not to get it, just to avoid to agree with a liberal...)
I respect the elders.
But I think the last part of life is the least interesting to live.
Ask you father (or you grandfather if he's still alive) about it, ask him about all these exhilarating things he does, ask himabout the excitment that fills him when he wakes up and think about all what he could do today...

I do get it. You're using a blanket statement. There are a lot of older people who enjoy their life and should be able to live a long healthy life.

We should be trying to extend life and make it a quality life for as long as possible.

Proverbs 20:29 (KJV)
29: The glory of young men is their strength: and the beauty of old men is the grey head.

Leviticus 19:32 (KJV)
32: Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am the Lord.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Johan, you are living your life right now. Try to make the right decisions and do good by people. However long you live try not to do anything you may regret. These things carry forward. The longer you live the more you have to look back upon. As the years get shorter with age, you have more to look back upon with solitude. Watching young ones grow into fine adults. The older you get the more you see them become. There may not be be much more to accomplish but to have family and friends gathered around you becomes your loving joy. You will want those years to last forever. That's what any old person will tell you.
Using biblical passages to support a point in a non-religious discussion doesn't do much besides make you look like a dumb ass. :2 cents: