Corporate's 10 naughtiest boys.


Closed Account
Here's an example, about Comcast:

'It isn't every company that inspires such a passionate public response: "Comcast must die!" wrote one dissatisified customer on the aptly named "Comcast is evil and Satan's firstborn child," opined another via a blog of The Boston Herald.

What has people so eager to weigh in? Well, it could be the Comcast (CMCSK) service blackouts. Or its sometimes questionable billing practices (such as an auto-payment option that helpfully charges your account in perpetuity). Or the Comcast cable boxes that occasionally tune into QVC during a crisis, instead of the Emergency Broadcast System. Or the repairman who infamously fell asleep in a customer's home.

But people keep signing up for its services, even if it fills them with maniacal rage -- because they have no choice. In many markets, Comcast is the only game in town -- which doesn't do much to endear it to its customers.

Read more about the company so many love to hate -- and what it has to say about its customer service gripes.'


what the fuck you lookin at?
One of many reasons why I hate corporate America...
Or ...

One of many reasons why I hate corporate America...
Is it really corporate America?
Or just corporate America with monopolies often mandated by our government?
I take issue with monopolies, be they corporate or the government itself. ;)

Lack of choice is not choice.
And don't give me choice every 2-4 years, that's not choice.
I'm talking choice with my dollar every hour.

That's capitalism.
We haven't had that for a long time in the US. ;)


Closed Account
Businesses started from greed, based upon the need for others to help you feel better about yourself, get a nice busty blonde, live a good life.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Re: Or ...

Is it really corporate America?
Or just corporate America with monopolies often mandated by our government?
I take issue with monopolies, be they corporate or the government itself. ;)

Lack of choice is not choice.
And don't give me choice every 2-4 years, that's not choice.
I'm talking choice with my dollar every hour.

That's capitalism.
We haven't had that for a long time in the US. ;)

Both really. Corporate America can fuckin blow me. Our government can lick my asshole! Monopolies are complete bullshit!

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Interesting list. One thing that did stick out was Mattel: "How did Mattel (MAT) get such a terrible reputation? Well, in the beginning, there was Barbie. The pneumatic blonde with inhuman proportions was once packaged with a guide entitled "How to Lose Weight." Its chief suggestion for little girls: 'Stop eating.' "

What I find funny about that is that on the one hand, people (rightly or wrongly) accuse Mattel's Barbie of contributing to the unrealistic body image that some girls and boys have of women's bodies... but on the other hand, when I gave a friend of mine a ride to pick up her kid from school this past week, I have NEVER seen such a huge collection of rolly-polly, little fat people waddling out to their rides. When I was a kid, there might have been one or two fat kids in a class. The majority of the kids that I saw that day would have probably been classified as obese. So while the "Stop Eating" message may be politically incorrect, it's apparenty not influencing parents or kids to eat less or to eat better.

It's not about their appearance - I actually prefer my women to have some meat on their bones. But when talking about little kids, it's a major health issue... especially when talking about diabetes and heart conditions later in life.