Copenhagen Treaty=World Government

An abomination based on false science, inaccurate models, peer pressure, and the insane human trait to, in light of the lack of all other things, jump to conclusions. Efficient use and sensibility are one thing, but a radicalist-based cause celebre is another.
Oh for the love of Mike! Why are things like this always taken to the most extreme illogical conclusion humanly possible by people who really have no idea what they're talking about? Lord Monckton is not a scientist so why is his views more important than actual researchers in the field? I highly doubt he could even really understand anything about the current situation and the way he and his ilk attempt to explain the science behind climate change I would almost guarantee it.

The Copenhagen treaty has been delayed for another year and there is some talk saying that when they do reconvene the treaty itself will be so watered down that it really won’t make any difference at all. APEC has already put it under severe pressure by putting forward several stipulations. So no, even in it was in its original form (even though it still hasn't been properly written yet) which it won't be, there would be no "World government". :rolleyes:

Although how it could be any worse than what we have now I don't know.

Will E Worm

I agree the Copenhagen Treaty is a bad thing and needs to be stopped.

Copenhagen doesn't equal "hope" it equals Tyranny.
Oh for the love of Mike! Why are things like this always taken to the most extreme illogical conclusion humanly possible by people who really have no idea what they're talking about? Lord Monckton is not a scientist so why is his views more important than actual researchers in the field? I highly doubt he could even really understand anything about the current situation and the way he and his ilk attempt to explain the science behind climate change I would almost guarantee it.

The Copenhagen treaty has been delayed for another year and there is some talk saying that when they do reconvene the treaty itself will be so watered down that it really won’t make any difference at all. APEC has already put it under severe pressure by putting forward several stipulations. So no, even in it was in its original form (even though it still hasn't been properly written yet) which it won't be, there would be no "World government". :rolleyes:

Although how it could be any worse than what we have now I don't know.

Researchers in the field? I met a scientist (a much overworked word because I don't think that a lot of climatologists qualify) who had resigned because as he put it "I became a scientist to discover the truth.I am now being used to support the views of my employers".guess what he worked in?
Researchers in the field? I met a scientist (a much overworked word because I don't think that a lot of climatologists qualify) who had resigned because as he put it "I became a scientist to discover the truth.I am now being used to support the views of my employers".guess what he worked in?

You're missing my point. I wasn't specifically talking about the scientific consensus. I was talking about the conspiratorial nature of claims such as these and the level of validity given to those who have no known training in the field. But if you want me to comment then I will, there are dissenter’s and their opinion is as valid as anyone elses because there isn't a complete consensus on this. Do I think human involvement in climate change is slightly overblown? Possibly, but you can't get away from the fact that the levels of carbon we as a species put up into the atmosphere are having an effect.

Of course you can come back at me with the fact that throughout history there have been cycles of warming and cooling. That can't be denied; which may have been caused by slight deviations of the earth’s orbit or any number of other theories. Abundant amounts of carbon in our atmosphere do in fact trap the long wave energy that usually rebounds off the earths surface and go into space as heat within our atmosphere even those on the sceptic’s side agree with that and it’s a known fact that throughout the past couple of centuries we have been burning far more carbon based objects on an ever increasing scale – objects that some say also caused the last period of warming when the asteroid hit. I do think that correlation has some significance. The earth is beginning to warm and the fact that there is more carbon in the atmosphere than there was a few centuries ago is accountable for that – whether it’s man made or not is an issue for another time. But as the earth is warming and ice sheets begin to melt there are also large amounts of methane being released along with the carbon in the air which I’m sure you’ll know is worse than carbon for trapping heat. That’s called positive feedback and if something isn’t done in the meantime to stop that from continuing to increase then who knows what damage will be done.

Isn’t it worth the effort to at least attempt to try to put right the fault? If it’s not our fault that the planet is heating we’ll have wasted a lot of money and a lot of people will be pissed (we may also have a one world government :rolleyes:) but at least it can be said that we tried and it’s just a natural occurrence that can’t be stopped and we’ll all be living inland etc. But if we do nothing and continue on our current path and it is our fault then in will be catastrophic consequences because of our actions. Actions that we’ll have to explain to the next generation.

I’m not an expert and maybe your scientist friend is correct. But I would think airing on the side of caution would be the best way to go about dealing with this problem. It’s also not for the individual to deal with it’s for nations to deal with, treaties like this are a start because until they can sort it out and agree nothing we do matters.

Will E Worm

Do I think human involvement in climate change is slightly overblown? Possibly, but you can't get away from the fact that the levels of carbon we as a species put up into the atmosphere are having an effect.

George Carlin, "The Planet Is Fine"

We’re so self-important. So self-important. Everybody’s going to save something now. “Save the trees, save the bees, save the whales, save those snails.” And the greatest arrogance of all: save the planet. What? Are these fucking people kidding me? Save the planet, we don’t even know how to take care of ourselves yet. We haven’t learned how to care for one another, we’re gonna save the fucking planet?

I’m getting tired of that shit. Tired of that shit. I’m tired of fucking Earth Day, I’m tired of these self-righteous environmentalists, these white, bourgeois liberals who think the only thing wrong with this country is there aren’t enough bicycle paths. People trying to make the world save for their Volvos. Besides, environmentalists don’t give a shit about the planet. They don’t care about the planet. Not in the abstract they don’t. Not in the abstract they don’t. You know what they’re interested in? A clean place to live. Their own habitat. They’re worried that some day in the future, they might be personally inconvenienced. Narrow, unenlightened self-interest doesn’t impress me.


My response to that is who cares what the dead and only at times amusing comedian George Carlin had to say on such things.:dunno:

While we may not be going to "save the planet" that does not alter the undeniable fact we are doing great damage to it.Every day the evidence gets stronger and stronger of that fact,time lines for things like the ice caps totally disappearing at times of the year keep getting moved up and up.Scientists are overwhelmingly on the same page on this.

But as I said it's pretty clear we will not be able to not only stop the damage were doing but we will not be able to even not let the amount of damage like increased Co2 being emmitted from increasing.We might be able to slow the growth of emmisions but emitting less seems very unlikely.It would take a whole host of things to achieve that like population control and different lifestyles and none of that is is going to happen IMO.

And back to Carlin for a minute hasn't he also said it was arrogance for humans to think we could actually affect such things on a global scale? That's just ridiculous,billions of humans consuming so much and emitting so much clearly has had effects.Not to mention things like Nuclear bombs George,us little ole humans have come long way in the last century or so.:hatsoff:
Ain't we just so smart??:eek:

Will E Worm

My response to that is who cares what the dead and only at times amusing comedian George Carlin had to say on such things.:dunno:

Me and others. Because he is correct. The Earth is fine and Gore is Manbearpig. :hatsoff:

Who cares what self-righteous, earth worshipping environmentalists have to say about anything. No one. :wave:

Will E Worm

I'm not going to respond with any sort of argument to something someone copied and pasted. It’s laziness to try to make an argument this way and I’ll respond in kind....

Sure, when you know I'm correct and you don't know if I copied and pasted this. ;)
Hearsay and conjecture...:hammer:

At least you are better at backing down than you used to be. :hatsoff:

Respek to me :D


My Penis Is Dancing!
Me and others. Because he is correct. The Earth is fine and Gore is Manbearpig. :hatsoff:

Who cares what self-righteous, earth worshipping environmentalists have to say about anything. No one. :wave:

Who cares what self-righteous fools who have done no research in the field have to say about the subject?
Me and others. Because he is correct. The Earth is fine and Gore is Manbearpig. :hatsoff:

Who cares what self-righteous, earth worshipping environmentalists have to say about anything. No one. :wave:

Will E complaining about people being self-righteous may well be the funniest thing I have ever read on freeones.

:rofl: :rofl:

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Oh for the love of Mike! Why are things like this always taken to the most extreme illogical conclusion humanly possible by people who really have no idea what they're talking about? Lord Monckton is not a scientist so why is his views more important than actual researchers in the field? I highly doubt he could even really understand anything about the current situation and the way he and his ilk attempt to explain the science behind climate change I would almost guarantee it.

The Copenhagen treaty has been delayed for another year and there is some talk saying that when they do reconvene the treaty itself will be so watered down that it really won’t make any difference at all. APEC has already put it under severe pressure by putting forward several stipulations. So no, even in it was in its original form (even though it still hasn't been properly written yet) which it won't be, there would be no "World government". :rolleyes:

Although how it could be any worse than what we have now I don't know.

Maybe because the politicians that come up with these things, have time and time again, proven that they will abuse any opportunity they are given, the second people give them the benefit of trust. But what's worse is, when people see there is an opportunity for abuse, and dismiss it as, "the extreme illogical conclusion", but then years later, after they are proven wrong, complain about what happened, but did nothing when they had the chance.