contact your favorite pornstar?

Hey guys.

Has ever one of you thought about contacting his favorite porn star? In my case it´s Tabatha Jordan. I really wanna write her a veeeeeery long fanmail, but don´t know another option except signing up at the official homepage (if there is another option anyway). Any ideas for my weird request?
I wrote a PM to Taylor Rain one time on this board. She replied and all. It was pretty cool.
A lot of stars are members of Freeone's and post regularly and answer PM's. Just be respectful boys.


knows petras secret: she farted.
Why is it?

i know. seems like a normal thing. i mean there are stalkers out there, but there are also people who appreciate the girl on higher level.

in short, you dont have to be a psychopath to ask your favourite girl a question. be respectful. im sure some like feedback. i have gotten positive responses from a couple of girls in the past and they seem to really like hearing from decent people.
I have had conversations with several OCSM's and other members even more. Mostly they are just ordinary people, and should be treated like a good neighbor or co-worker.


I wrote a PM to Taylor Rain one time on this board. She replied and all. It was pretty cool.

I did the same with another star

A lot of stars are members of Freeone's and post regularly and answer PM's. Just be respectful boys.

A few years ago I wrote a letter to Stephanie Swift and sent it snail mail. Unfortunately, she did not write back but she did send me an autographed picture. I found her fan mail address on the Net.
hmmm... i don't think i could talk to a pornstar and truly believe it was really her... i don't know why... it'd be kinda cool i guess... but i wouldn't really know what to say... kinda awkward considering i jack off to them...

not that there's anything wrong with their profession or anything (much respect ladies), it'd just be awkward... live would be another thing, i could kick it then..

but the veeeerrryyy long email.... that's creepy as fuck...

Myspace works well for me had a really cool chat with Amy Reid the other night.

What'd you guys talk about?

For those of you who have talked to pornstars.. what did you guys talk about? What did they say about their job and the industry they're in?