Constance Marie


Word, she is indeed a milf, and a latina at that.


are you talking to me?
she's a great milf woman!!! ;)
:nanner: Thanks a to Qball. :thumbsup: A spanish lesson for all.

* Te doy gracias por el regalo. I thank you for the gift.
* Me has ayudado mucho. You have helped me very much.
* Me ha ayudado el regalo. The gift has helped me very much.
* Me ayudará mucho el regalo. The gift will help me very much.
* Te agradezco el regalo. I appreciate your gift.
* Me siento agradecido (agradecida if you're female) por el regalo. I feel grateful for the gift.
* Estoy agradecido (agradecida if you're female) por el regalo. I am grateful for the gift.
* Me encanta el regalo. I'm delighted by the gift.
Constance Marie..

Some of You Might not know her but she plays Sexy Wife of George lopez on the George Lopez show. She is Hot. Tonight she was in a policewoman uniform for halloween.... Mmmm man you had to see it this chick is hot.