College Rules - Girls just want to have fun (01/26/2012) - Girl ID

Does anyone know what the full name of the girl with the black hair is? (second on the left)
In the recent College Rules episode "Girls just want to have fun" she says her name is Vanessa.

Does anyone know what the full name of the girl with the black hair is? (second on the left)
In the recent College Rules episode "Girls just want to have fun" she says her name is Vanessa.

Thx for the post ! Here's a new pic for the full casting identification.

Trailer :


#4= Izzybella Blue AKA Izzy Bella Blu (thx d012560c for the name!)

#2 is #4 in HazeHer Bench of Judgment.
#1 is # 7 in HazeHer Bench of Judgment.
