CNN Reporter Anderson Cooper Saves Haiti Teen From Beating On Tape!


Lord Dipstick
Looking at the top photo I can see the floodgates of motifakes coming out of the woodwork...


My Penis Is Dancing!
Cooper's always been a Unique reporter - I saw him many times getting pounded as he stood in the eyes of more than one hurricane.
I think that video shows what a Unique person he is - he did not seem at all interested in doing this for the cameras or anything, his interest was in the boy.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
"Throwing concrete blocks off the top of the building"

That is so fucked up. Brave and noble act by AC....I sure hope the boy is OK. He looked like he was in shock and he was losing a LOT of blood.


Good job from the reported but you can see how fucked the situation is. I dont mean the looting or concrete blocks which is of course. But from the fact even after the reported gets him outta the jam there was very little he could after that, I mean where would be the closest place to get a bloody stitch?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Wow, that's fucked up. I don't like Cooper or his show, but I applaud his actions. That's a dangerous, unstable situation and all the children are just innocent bystanders. A video like that can really make you appreciate what we have here in the States...