Clinton's gift to Bush Jr.: Record Surplus; Bush's gift to Obama: Record Deficit

It's ironic to see NeoCons flip flop and blame everything on Obama for all the budget deficit problems this country is faced with today. Bush is the real culprit for the economic turmoil this country is faced with today thanks to Bush's starting an unnecessary, expensive and genocidal war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

White House projects record deficit for 2009

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush's budget chief blamed the faltering economy and the bipartisan stimulus package for the record $482 billion deficit the White House predicted for the 2009 budget year.

Jim Nussle, the director of the Office of Management and Budget, said the deficit would be about 3.3 percent of the nation's gross domestic product, the measure of the nation's total economy.

The fiscal year begins October 1, 2008.

The federal deficit is the difference between what the government spends and what it takes in from taxes and other revenue sources. The government must borrow money to make up the difference.

While the deficit would be a record in absolute dollar terms, Nussle said it would be below the 2004 deficit, 3.6 percent of GDP, and the record deficit of 1983, 6 percent of GDP, when compared with the size of the overall U.S. economy.

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said the stimulus package was necessary, even if it increased the deficit.

"We do think the plan was the right one, and it will have an effect," she said. "And the best way to help reduce the deficit is to make sure you are keeping a lock on spending, but also that you can also try to help to build the economy. So we hope this will help us pull out of the economic downturn over the next few months because of the stimulus package.

"I remember that back when we were discussing the stimulus package, both parties recognized that the deficit would increase, and that would be the price that we pay in order to help improve the economy," she said.

Nussle said the $170 billion, bipartisan stimulus, which congressional Democrats and Bush agreed to earlier this year, was a major reason the deficit was expected to reach record levels next year. The deficit projection for 2009 would have been only 2.2 percent of the economy, or $272 billion, if the stimulus package is excluded, Nussle said.
Watch Nussle warn Congress not to increase spending »

"The determination was made that getting the economy back on track was a higher priority than immediate deficit reduction," Nussle said.

He said the OMB projects that the deficit would fall after the 2009 budget year, and he predicted that the government would have a surplus in budget year 2012, if the president's budget blueprint is followed.

"Near-term deficits are temporary and manageable if -- and only if -- we keep spending in check, the tax burden low and the economy growing," Nussle said, warning that congressional Democrats were planning to add billions of dollars in spending to the federal budget.

President Bush inherited a budget surplus of $128 billion when he took office in 2001 but has since posted a budget deficit every year. View a history of the government deficits and surpluses »

The Bush administration has spent heavily on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and faces a large budget shortfall in tax revenue in part because of Bush's tax cuts and a souring economy.

A Democratic point man on the budget, Sen. Kent Conrad of North Dakota, blasted the administration for its "reckless fiscal policies," blaming the president's tax cuts for driving the government into deficit and saying Bush "will be remembered as the most fiscally irresponsible president in our nation's history."
Watch Conrad call the federal debt Bush's legacy »

Conrad, who chairs the Senate's budget committee, accused the president of "squandering" the surplus he inherited from President Bill Clinton and said the increased debt the government has taken on to cover the deficit has undermined the value of the dollar and hurt the overall economy.

"If they gave out Olympic medals for fiscal irresponsibility, President Bush would take the gold, silver and bronze," Conrad said. "With his eight years in office, he will have had the five highest deficits ever recorded. And the highest of those deficits is now projected to come in 2009, as he leaves office."

But a senior administration official says the budgetary problems stem from what he called inadequate defense, intelligence and homeland security resources that were handed down from Clinton.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office in March projected the deficit for the 2008 fiscal year, which ends September 30, would be $357 billion. It predicted the 2009 deficit to be $342 billion, if the president's proposals were adopted.

Both assumptions, however, were made before the economic stimulus package was passed by Congress and signed by the president this spring. The CBO said it would release revised deficit estimates in September.

The two major presidential candidates -- Democrat Sen. Barack Obama and Republican Sen. John McCain -- used news that the United States' budget deficit will hit a record high as an opportunity to criticize each other's fiscal plans.

The Bush Deficit

Feb. 24, 2009

by Faiz Shakir, Amanda Terkel, Satyam Khanna, Matt Corley, Benjamin Armbruster, Ali Frick, and Ryan Powers

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Tonight, in his first address to a joint session of Congress, President Obama is expected to lay out his plan to slash the federal deficit in half by the end of his term. The reduction would come in large part from drawing down in Iraq and allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire by 2010. On Thursday, Obama will release his first budget outline and "confirm his intention to deliver this year on ambitious campaign promises on health care and energy policy," which will help alleviate budget deficits and bring growth to the economy. And in recent days, the White House has also said that it is prepared to make "tough choices" on the budget. This fiscal situation is not a recent creation. As White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs explained yesterday, the enormous deficit Obama has to grapple with was inherited "before the stimulus." "This administration has inherited a $1.3 trillion deficit -- the largest in our nation's history," Obama reiterated.

INHERITING RECKLESSNESS: "Reagan proved deficits don't matter," Vice President Cheney said in 2002 when pushing for a fresh round of tax cuts. With this attitude in hand, Bush passed on a budgetary nightmare to his successor. Bush came into office with an advantage few presidents have enjoyed -- a $230 billion surplus. But due to a $1.35 trillion tax cut in 2001, a $1.5 trillion tax cut in 2003, and a massive defense buildup through the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Bush quickly blew through that surplus. The next president will "inherit a fiscal meltdown," Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) warned in February 2008, as the Bush administration projected a budget deficit of $400 billion. After the financial crisis emerged last fall and the ensuing bailouts, Bush's budget deficit ballooned to over $1 trillion. As Center for American Progress Vice President for Economic Policy Michael Ettlinger explained, budget deficits swelled under Bush because his supply-side tax policies slashed revenues while failing to deliver strong economic performance.

SIMPLE HONESTY: Obama has already made a departure from the Bush budget legacy by instilling new openness and transparency. Last week, the New York Times reported that Obama will not reject "four accounting gimmicks that President George W. Bush used to make deficit projections look smaller." In 2005, the Washington Post editorial board called Bush's budget proposal a "farce" for using accounting tricks.

Obama's changes include accounting for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars (Bush relied on "emergency supplemental" war spending), assuming the Alternative Minimum Tax will be indexed for inflation, accounting for the full costs of Medicare reimbursements, and anticipating inevitable expenditures for natural disaster relief. The result of Obama's openness is a budget that is $2.7 trillion "deeper in the red over the next decade than it would otherwise appear." As The Wonk Room explained, "that debt was always there. It was just being hidden." "For too long, our budget process in Washington has been an exercise in deception -- a series of accounting tricks to hide the extent of our spending," Obama remarked yesterday.

THE NEW FISCAL HAWKS: While purporting to be deficit hawks, the Republican-led Congresses from 2001 to 2006 rubber-stamped the Bush agenda that created the current fiscal crisis. "[W]e're hopeful...that eventually the Democrats will move aside and let Republicans govern in the way that President Bush has led us to do," said former senator Rick Santorum in September 2006. The Congress shuttled through pork-stuffed legislation, massive tax cuts, and huge increases in defense spending. Yet those same members are trying to stifle the Obama agenda with concerns about the budget -- even as they proposed a $3.5 trillion tax-cut-only recovery package. The recovery package "spends far too much," Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said recently. Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) remarked, "It's very wasteful...if you throw in the interest it's about $1.3 trillion." Yet many of the same Republicans eagerly supported Bush's $1.35 trillion tax cuts in 2001. Influential Republicans in Congress have also indicated that they may oppose Obama's housing plan because it is allegedly too expensive.


Its also amazing that Obama is out spending Bush by 3 TIMES as much in his first year alone.
Um, the budget didn't get balanced in the 90s until the GOP won the House and persuaded Clinton to sign on many of the ideas in the Contract with America, authored by Gingrich.

And this part of the article is a joke:

"SIMPLE HONESTY: Obama has already made a departure from the Bush budget legacy by instilling new openness and transparency." :rofl:

CNN = Obama's FoxNews. Question everything... :thumbsup:
First of all how can the government have a deficit? That means that they spend more money than they make. Since it's impossible in reality to have a negative amount of money, that effectively means that they have no money.

What would happen if you did not have any money? Moreso, what would happen if you continued to spend money that you didn't have? And if you really can have a negative amount of money, then how can money have any value at all? What's the difference between -1 dollars and - one trillion dollars, if the money is never being paid back to the lender?

Which brings me to an even more disturbing observation: Every country in the world has a deficit. How can you lend money if you don't have any? Where is this money coming from?

The thing is that the money comes from the government... so how can they not have any money? and if they can create money, if money is something that can be created and is not represented by the cost of it's creation, how can money have any value? Further confusing is the fact that if it costs ten cents to produce a dollar than a dollar is worth ten cents (or worth ten dollars, depending on your POV), not one dollar and if a dollar costs a dollar to produce then it accumulates no value and it's worth nothing.

Money is worthless, it has no value and it's entirely arbitrary and imaginary. The world is clearly insane and uses a system that makes no sense.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Seems like America should have elected Hillary.

Bush Sr. = defecit
Clinton = surplus
Bush Jr. = defecit

It's a pattern. The Patriots' system is flawed, I tells ya!
Its also amazing that Obama is out spending Bush by 3 TIMES as much in his first year alone.

Obama will be the worst ever.
Clinton's surpluses were really the result of GHW Bush's policies.
Clinton allowed banks to give loans to people who could never pay them back.
Clinton's weakness caused 9/11.
Clinton lied under oath.
Clinton's damage to the country will only be out done by the current Obama.


Hiliary 2020
all this talk from obama fans about how bush sucked so much is simply this:
A sad, weak attempt to draw attenion away the fact that your boy, your messiah, your choice is not what they thought he would be.
you wre promised mel gibson and you got mel blanc.
you fucked up, you got bamboozled, just face it.
Dont be instead in a state of denial where your only happy place is still putting down bush.
the first step is acceptance, so accept it, you voted in an unexperienced person with an agenda that is half socialist and half "oh shit, now what do we do?"., based on false hope and false promises.
Or, just keep bringing up bush if it makes you feel better, ignorance is bliss.

And if you really want to know why the economy got messed up look at nesters reason #3 above:
Clinton allowed banks to give loans to people who could never pay them back.
actually it was clinton and most dems.
for years due to that the housing market was a thin bubble that burst around 2006/7 due to a normal drop in the economy and the dominoes fell, the ice broke and the plane crashed into the mountain.......oh and bush got blamed.
Obama will be the worst ever.
Clinton's surpluses were really the result of GHW Bush's policies.
Clinton allowed banks to give loans to people who could never pay them back.
Clinton's weakness caused 9/11.
Clinton lied under oath.
Clinton's damage to the country will only be out done by the current Obama.

I wonder if those now lamenting the fact that Obama seems to put some blame on Bush and his policies while in office for some of the problems he is now facing are going to have anything to say about some of the comments made in this post?



The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
What's with all the hate on Clinton? He is the best President since Reagan. Aside from Obama he is the only President from that time that is popular up here.

Plus you know. Stimulus. Just because you Americans aren't used to that word and are hence scared of it doesn't mean you need to hate on the man.


you wre promised mel gibson and you got mel blanc.

Oh no he didn't! It's on now! :rofl:


what the fuck you lookin at?
Clinton's gift to Bush Jr.: Record Surplus; Bush's gift to Obama: Record Deficit; Obama's gift to whoever is next : fried chicken
Hey, I like fried chicken.
I hope I'm the next president!
I'm just as qualified as the O-Man!

Well seeing as there is only ever one person doing the job for four years at a time the list of truly qualified candidates would be confined to second term (or where applicable third term presidents.) I can't be arsed counting but I'm guessing that in the history of the US there have only been about 20 or so truly experienced candidates.

Personally I've always been suspicious of generals moving into politics. I don't believe they have the right experience. (See the famous quip by the Duke of Wellington on his first day as prime minister as a prime example.) Imagine the kerfuffle if someone tried to walk in the opposite direction.

I have to say that if Ted Kennedy had handed over his car keys one night or Bobby Kennedy had taken another route through a hotel and Bill Clinton had married a more personable spouse we would be saying that presidential 'experience' was largely a result familial experience.

Now I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on your joke. Joke police get on my tits. Fried chicken and black people, how droll. However I hope you bend your face grinwards if you hear a black comedian say that he can't dunk a basket ball or truly satisfy a white woman, so he is as qualified as the 43 out of 44 presidents the US has produced.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Now I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on your joke. Joke police get on my tits. Fried chicken and black people, how droll. However I hope you bend your face grinwards if you hear a black comedian say that he can't dunk a basket ball or truly satisfy a white woman, so he is as qualified as the 43 out of 44 presidents the US has produced.

Hey, 43 Presidents might not be able to satisfy white women, but Thomas Jefferson sure did satisfy a lot of black women in his time. :dunno:
Um, the budget didn't get balanced in the 90s until the GOP won the House and persuaded Clinton to sign on many of the ideas in the Contract with America, authored by Gingrich.

And this part of the article is a joke:

"SIMPLE HONESTY: Obama has already made a departure from the Bush budget legacy by instilling new openness and transparency." :rofl:

CNN = Obama's FoxNews. Question everything... :thumbsup:

We can always elect McCain/Palin in 2012 :dunno: The ExGov should be back from her megachurch tour of flogging her memoir to the "heartland"...

Or, let's elect Ron Paul and get the "Revolution Tour" back on track:thumbsup: