Clinton campaign mocks Catholics, Southerners, ‘needy Latinos’ in emails

By Ben Wolfgang - The Washington Times - Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Long before Hillary Clinton called millions of Americans a “basket of deplorables,” her top campaign advisers and liberal allies openly mocked Catholics, Southerners and a host of other groups, according to newly released emails that offer a stunning window into the vitriol inside the Clinton world less than a month before Election Day.

The emails, published by WikiLeaks after a hack of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s private account, also show Clinton campaign officials and Democratic leaders disparaging supporters of Sen. Bernard Sanders as “self-righteous” whiners, calling Hispanic party leaders such as Bill Richardson “needy Latinos,” labeling CNN anchor Jake Tapper “a d—k” and even lambasting longtime Clinton ally Sidney Blumenthal.

The sheer number of insults in the email trove has left the Clinton campaign, along with outside organizations such as the Center for American Progress that were routinely involved in the brutal bad-mouthing, unable or unwilling to respond. Instead, they have blamed the hack on Russia and have refused to even confirm that the emails are genuine, though they also haven’t denied their authenticity.

The Clinton campaign’s biggest problem may be its assault on Catholics. Prominent Catholic organizations called on Clinton campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri to resign after the surfacing of messages showing her making fun of the faith. The campaign of Republican nominee Donald Trump seized on the opportunity to appeal to religious voters.

“We call on Hillary Clinton to apologize and to fire the staff who have engaged in this vicious anti-Catholic bigotry. All of this shows who these people are at the core,” Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told reporters on a conference call. “The American people need to know who they are and their very radical agenda that will be an assault on Catholics and all people of faith and good will.”
The strategy by the Clintons now is to drop false allegations against Trump every time damaging Wikileaks info is released.

It's gonna be an ugly ride until election day.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Don't put any stock into Wikileaks, there's no way to know what's authentic and what's been faked.
Don't put any stock into Wikileaks, there's no way to know what's authentic and what's been faked.

When Assange drops the bomb that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich was supplying emails.. maybe we can put some stock in it.

Assange doesn't make it a habit to drop junk.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Doesn't matter where they come from, I'm not saying they don't have authentic documents. The problem being it would be extremely easy to insert fakes among the ones that are legit.
Homie don't play that. And is why Assange delays releasing the goods.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz didn't resign over fake docs.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Burning Bernie was all too legit, and reason enough for Schultz to go. But go ahead and trust Assange, it's not like he's a criminal or anything.
When Assange drops the bomb that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich was supplying emails.. maybe we can put some stock in it

He already tried to float that suspicion and got smacked down hard.

Burning Bernie was all too legit, and reason enough for Schultz to go. But go ahead and trust Assange, it's not like he's a criminal or anything.

Exactly. I think he's just a trend setter. Soon all of our most respected journalists will be jumping bail and living in Banana republic embassies.
Assange has not been refuted.

He floated it because he did not want to reveal his sources. He didn't offer a reward for shits and giggles.

There are some real robotic wing nuts around here.
Yeah, he offered it for publicity purposes.

And knowing that was his priority, the victim's parents basically told him to fuck off.

There are some real robotic wing nuts around here.

That's for damn sure.


Hiliary 2020
Wikileaks has never been busted lying or posting fake shit.
And if any of these Clinton related emails were fake the campaign would be screaming fraud.
They are real.

The overall tone for lack of a better word in the latest batch is DECEPTION.
In every message sent they are planning on decieving US in one way or another.
They admit freely Hiliary lies all the time. They admit the US allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar fund all the mercenary terror groups the US is supposedly fighting. Yet they still take many millions from them to fund their campaign. According to the Saudis they are funding at least 20% of the Clinton campaign. The campaign hasn't refuted that.
Just how twisted is that?
They speak of how she despises "Everyday Americans".
They speak of how they are "conspiring to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry"......Isn't that special.
They speak how they did something to Biden to make him not run for the nomination. Something underhanded it seems.
They speak of how the Division of Homeland Security is a mess and is basically useless in an emergency......That's very reasurring.
They speak of how they are in complete collusion with Lynch and the Justice Dept. regarding the email investigation. Thats High Treason.
They speak of being in collusion with many major news companies. The NYT even lets her campaign edit articles about her.
They speak of how asking for Bernie Sanders medical records would be " The Worst Possible Mistake" they could make.
Why do you think that is? Because he would then ask for hers obviously.

Everything they speak about is regarding deceiving the voters and rigging the system. Everything.
How about just telling the truth?
They can't because that would ruin them.
And these are the people some want to be in control of the country?
In control of their lives? A bunch a sneaks and snakes.