CIA Prepping for Possible Cyber Strike Against Russia


Hiliary 2020
Well isn't that special.
And they're telling the world!
This is actually very much more serious and dangerous than it appears stupid.
As I posted in the Should Syria be next thread in which I am almost the exclusive member the US and un-named Foreign Officials were meeting today to decide what to do about Syria and Russia.
In other words should they back the fuck off and mind their own business.......or start WWIII.

Then CNN like the proganda machine they are set the table up for today's announcement with this article

And then low and behold the US GOV comes out with this ridiculous cyber attack bullshit.

Lets get the process of events in order.
Hiliary was born and named after Sir Edmund Hiliary 8 years before he climbed Mount Everest.
She came under sniper fire in Bosnia.
Her husband did not have sexual relations with that woman.
She became Secret-ary of State after losing to Obama for PREZ.
She used a private email server which was open to hackers hacking it.
She got hacked.
She ran for PREZ.
Her hacked emails were released to the public over time.
She is getting destroyed in the election.
The United States blames Russia with no evidence. Finding a hacker is very difficult because they know how to cover their asses. For all they know it could have been the same 15 year old pot smoker who hacked the FBI a few years ago.
Anybody could have hacked her emails. There are literally 7 billion suspects at large.

The USA wants to start a war with Russia, Syria, Iran and China over this, putting the lives of 7 billion people in serious danger.
All because this bitch got her emails hacked and she is losing the election big time.

As far as tampering with the election process. That's impossible.
They are lying.
Here's why.
How could Russia tamper with all the write in votes?
Unless they have millions of Russians in the USA with a shitload of postage stamps they can't.

How could Russia tamper with the areas who still use hand counted written ballots?
They can't. Unless they have millions of Russians in the USA pretending to be Americans and going to the polling precincts all over the country to vote for Trump.

How can they tamper with the areas who use electronic voting machines?
They can't.
Voting machines are electronic devices similar to ATM machines.
But they are not connected to the internet AT ALL. I repeat they are not connected to the internet.
They are about as hackable as a Tickle Me Elmo doll.
The only people who can tamper with these machines are the people who have physical access to them.
So unless Russia has thousands of Russians posing as Americans and working in the polling precincts and are able to find a way to get inside the thousands of machines without getting caught and change or add votes for Trump - THEY CAN'T.

But let's say Russia managed to do all this.
I guess it would be wise to investigate both parties primary elections to be sure Barry Sanders or Ted Cruz weren't robbed.
Perhaps even hold the primary elections again. A Do Over, just to be sure The Russians didn't hack them.

This is dangerous stit fucking with these countries. Provoking war with them.
And it has nothing to do with any Hacking.
Thank you. Goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow...if there is one.
A cyber line in the sand
(owe-BAHM-uh) isn't going to do shit
The United States blames Russia with no evidence.

With the election just three weeks away both Trump and Clinton have been briefed by the US Intelligence Community regarding evidence concerning Russian hacking. It appears Trump is playing the "we don't know who" card even though in reality he does.

A senior US Intelligence Agency official recently stated: "To profess not to know at this point is willful misrepresentation. The intelligence community has walked a very thin line in not taking sides, but both candidates have all the information they need to be crystal clear".
With the election just three weeks away both Trump and Clinton have been briefed by the US Intelligence Community regarding evidence concerning Russian hacking. It appears Trump is playing the "we don't know who" card even though in reality he does.

A senior US Intelligence Agency official recently stated: "To profess not to know at this point is willful misrepresentation. The intelligence community has walked a very thin line in not taking sides, but both candidates have all the information they need to be crystal clear".

Obama refuses to believe intelligence briefings that hinder his agenda.

Every agency of this government has been politicized by this administration. A "Senior official" at the CIA under Obama is about as credible as Baghdad Bob.


Hiliary 2020
With the election just three weeks away both Trump and Clinton have been briefed by the US Intelligence Community regarding evidence concerning Russian hacking. It appears Trump is playing the "we don't know who" card even though in reality he does.

A senior US Intelligence Agency official recently stated: "To profess not to know at this point is willful misrepresentation. The intelligence community has walked a very thin line in not taking sides, but both candidates have all the information they need to be crystal clear".

So Trump knows the Russians hacked Hillary & Friends emails and gave them to Julian Assange?
And Trump is pretending he doesn't know the truth?
That's interesting.
So all this has nothing to do with the US's intention of getting rid of Assad in Syria?
Now that's a relief.
See I thought that it was another bogus story like invading Afghanistan because Osama was hiding in a cave somewhere there.
Or invading Iraq because of Saddams WMD's, Or Libya because Gaddafi was kiling his own people, or Yeman because well, we could.
Now I know the truth thanks to this Senior US intelligence official providing the evidence.
He did provide evidence correct?
What's this persons name, I'll find out myself?

One thing I just don't get however is how is Russia making all those American people go to the Trump Rallies everyday by the 10's of thousands?
Well isn't that special.
No doubt in retaliation for the the hack we administered to them last week. Happens all the time man, we do it, China does it, Russia and about 100 other countries on a daily basis. I love the internets mang
Well isn't that special.
And they're telling the world!
This is actually very much more serious and dangerous than it appears stupid.
As I posted in the Should Syria be next thread in which I am almost the exclusive member the US and un-named Foreign Officials were meeting today to decide what to do about Syria and Russia.
In other words should they back the fuck off and mind their own business.......or start WWIII.

Then CNN like the proganda machine they are set the table up for today's announcement with this article

And then low and behold the US GOV comes out with this ridiculous cyber attack bullshit.

Lets get the process of events in order.
Hiliary was born and named after Sir Edmund Hiliary 8 years before he climbed Mount Everest.
She came under sniper fire in Bosnia.
Her husband did not have sexual relations with that woman.
She became Secret-ary of State after losing to Obama for PREZ.
She used a private email server which was open to hackers hacking it.
She got hacked.
She ran for PREZ.
Her hacked emails were released to the public over time.
She is getting destroyed in the election.
The United States blames Russia with no evidence. Finding a hacker is very difficult because they know how to cover their asses. For all they know it could have been the same 15 year old pot smoker who hacked the FBI a few years ago.
Anybody could have hacked her emails. There are literally 7 billion suspects at large.

The USA wants to start a war with Russia, Syria, Iran and China over this, putting the lives of 7 billion people in serious danger.
All because this bitch got her emails hacked and she is losing the election big time.

As far as tampering with the election process. That's impossible.
They are lying.
Here's why.
How could Russia tamper with all the write in votes?
Unless they have millions of Russians in the USA with a shitload of postage stamps they can't.

How could Russia tamper with the areas who still use hand counted written ballots?
They can't. Unless they have millions of Russians in the USA pretending to be Americans and going to the polling precincts all over the country to vote for Trump.

How can they tamper with the areas who use electronic voting machines?
They can't.
Voting machines are electronic devices similar to ATM machines.
But they are not connected to the internet AT ALL. I repeat they are not connected to the internet.
They are about as hackable as a Tickle Me Elmo doll.
The only people who can tamper with these machines are the people who have physical access to them.
So unless Russia has thousands of Russians posing as Americans and working in the polling precincts and are able to find a way to get inside the thousands of machines without getting caught and change or add votes for Trump - THEY CAN'T.

But let's say Russia managed to do all this.
I guess it would be wise to investigate both parties primary elections to be sure Barry Sanders or Ted Cruz weren't robbed.
Perhaps even hold the primary elections again. A Do Over, just to be sure The Russians didn't hack them.

This is dangerous stit fucking with these countries. Provoking war with them.
And it has nothing to do with any Hacking.
Thank you. Goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow...if there is one.
THIS MAY ALL BE TRUE and I am not voting for crooked Hilary but trump is losing and needs florida to win and even then has got to run the table on lying crooked Hillary Clinton. trump needs Pennsylvania and then has a good shot


Hiliary 2020
No doubt in retaliation for the the hack we administered to them last week. Happens all the time man, we do it, China does it, Russia and about 100 other countries on a daily basis. I love the internets mang

I believe you are speaking hypothetically because I'm pretty sure most hacks aren't publicised.
You are probably right. Intelligence agencys and private citizens hack each other all the time.
But this stuff with Russia has nothing to do with any hacks. It's just the propaganda they are using to sell this one.
Russia and Syria are fighting the mercenary "terror" armies in Syria.
As I write this there are thousands of these mercenaries heading from Iraq to Syria. And they ain't going there to appease Allah.

These groups are armed and funded by the USA mostly through countries like Saudi and Qatar and a few others.
They are proxys being funded by proxys.
This isn't even a theory at this point. It's conclusively true. All people have to start accepting this.

The US and their buddies rolled over Afghanistan and took over the opium trade. Iraq and took the oil and gold.
Libya and took everything including billions maybe even trillions of dollars in gold and assets which just disappeared.
Yemen and more but you get the point.
They destroyed these places, killed or caused the deaths of scores of millions of mostly civilians unopposed.
Syria then Iran are scheduled to be next.
But they won't fall mainly because of Russia. And it's most likely that when Russia succeeds in saving these two they will go straighten out the other places the US has destroyed. Libya is already asking them for help.

Understand these US politicians are just well paid puppets. They are controlled and take orders from the central banks who fund the wars and control the money supply to almost every country in the world, the business who profit from the wars, and like it or not the israel GOV.
Plus of course the Pentagon, DHS, CIA, ect ect ect who rely on war to simply keep their jobs.
So Russia is a threat to all this crime and all the money these psychopaths are making off terrorizing every human being on the planet in one way or another.
The USA is already occupying Syria illegally. So ignoring international law and the US Constitution is not the problem.
They know if the US does deploy troops to fight in Syria they will be destroyed swiftly and effeciently.
They know the only way to stop Russia from ruining their party is to go nuclear so it's a Catch 22.
All of our lives are really up to a few people, maybe even one. It's just a matter of how far they are willing to take this.
And I doubt they care about how many will die but more so how will they maintain control after a nuclear war.

Final thing:
This "Cyber Hack" the US is threatening?
In your are in Russia's shoes and suddenly your defense system goes down through a foreign hack, what would you do?
Its a no brainer what they would be forced to do. And the US would tell what's left of humanity, meaning the ones who have invatations to the underground bunkers, that Russia started it. And it really wouldn't even end there.

THIS MAY ALL BE TRUE and I am not voting for crooked Hilary but trump is losing and needs florida to win and even then has got to run the table on lying crooked Hillary Clinton. trump needs Pennsylvania and then has a good shot

Glad you are not voting for HC.
But why do you think Trump is losing?
Where are you getting your info from?
He's not losing. He so far ahead it's not even close.
Don't let HC's campaign, The US GOV, and the propaganda machine that used to be the free press make you think otherwise.

I am constantly amused (and appalled) that contemporary conservatives actually believe the word of Putin, TASS, the Kremlin, "The Evil Empire" etc. over that of the United States government.
Jesus, talk about crossing over into the twilight zone...... :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

I am constantly amused (and appalled) that contemporary conservatives actually believe the word of Putin, TASS, the Kremlin, "The Evil Empire" etc. over that of the United States government.
Jesus, talk about crossing over into the twilight zone...... :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

It would a little easier to believe this administration if they hadn't been caught using the IRS as a goon, the DOJ as a prop for a Democratic presidential candidate and the NSA to spy on foreign leaders like Angela Merkel.

It would also have been helpful if they actually followed covert tactics of the past instead of tipping their hand.

Excuse us, if we don't break out the pom poms for this feckless administration.
The US...rolled over...Iraq and took the oil and gold.

Wrong. But if Trump had had it his way we would have taken the oil.

The USA is already occupying Syria illegally. So ignoring international law and the US Constitution is not the problem.

Russia is illegally occupying Ukraine. But you keep ignoring/forgiving that while hypocritically attacking the US for the same alleged offense.
I'm sure Big Daddy Vlady would give you a nice pat on the head for being such a useful propaganda tool.


Hiliary 2020
I don't understand why they've announced this

Yeah. Biden tells the world about this "Covert Cyber Attack".
I guess it's because the US GOV is a joke. A very unfunny but dangerous joke.

Right now they are freaking out about the fact that their criminal party that yields them unlimited profits at the expense of world wide humanity might come to an end or be seriously cut back.
They know that the people want TRump and we will know it is rigged if HC "wins".
So they are doing everything in their power to stop him. The MSM propaganda media blitz isn't working. The people are on to them and the emails are exposing worse things every day. They are getting desperate and they'll do anything, even if that means starting a war that will be the death of thousands, millions or possibly billions.
They are truly in a Catch 22 and I feel they are planning something very very big.

I know nobody watches my videos but i dont care.
This man puts it all very clearly regarding Syria, War with Russia and the US election and how it's all connected.
Oct 18th
Yeah. Biden tells the world about this "Covert Cyber Attack".
I guess it's because the US GOV is a joke. A very unfunny but dangerous joke.

Right now they are freaking out about the fact that their criminal party that yields them unlimited profits at the expense of world wide humanity might come to an end or be seriously cut back.
They know that the people want TRump and we will know it is rigged if HC "wins".
So they are doing everything in their power to stop him. The MSM propaganda media blitz isn't working. The people are on to them and the emails are exposing worse things every day. They are getting desperate and they'll do anything, even if that means starting a war that will be the death of thousands, millions or possibly billions.
They are truly in a Catch 22 and I feel they are planning something very very big.

I know nobody watches my videos but i dont care.
This man puts it all very clearly regarding Syria, War with Russia and the US election and how it's all connected.
Oct 18th
Dogs and cats living together total anarchy.
Trump is an ass clown, when there is a true 'outsider' running for office that I believe has a clear message/plan AND a chance to win I will vote for that candidate.
But once again I will use my vote to try and keep the most dangerous/incompetent candidate out of office.

Great system we have here.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Democracy -as you Muricans have it - is a bitch. Solutions take time. Throwing your vote for an outsider is a great way to make changes happen.

If that outsider is not as dangerous as Donald Trump.

I am member of a party here in Germany and am working on changing things - for instancfe, at getting churches out of our governmental system and make them private entities again, which finance themsselves, not let bishops and cardinals and church organisations get paid by taxpayers.

Get into organisations, be it parties, be it NGOs, and psuh for primarily getting money out of politics. Hint: EVERY candidate that does NOT has "The Overthrow of the Citizens United Ruling" in his/her agenda is NOT to be votd, iless you are okay with big money buying politicians.

Which means, Trump is not to be voted for by you guys, right?