Christina Moses is the female lead in the upcoming mid-season CW television series, "Containment," created by show-runner Julie Plec ("The Vampire Diaries", "The Originals"). This heart-pounding new drama follows the rapid spread of a deadly virus in Atlanta, which causes the government to issue an urban quarantine. Christina plays "Jana," a brilliant data recovery specialist, who has trouble trusting those closest to her because of her rough upbringing. Jana quickly realizes that she has been locked inside of the quarantine and is separated from her Atlanta PD Lt. Major boyfriend, Lex. Jana must use her quick wits, reluctant leadership skills, and survival instincts to become the hero those on the inside desperately need. The series premieres on April 19th, 2016 on The CW.
Christina was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA by parents who were both involved in the entertainment business. Her father was a respected acting teacher, writer, and director, and this lead Christina to be exposed to the world of acting at a very early age. Her father saw a special gift for the craft of acting in Christina, but she was painfully shy in front of a camera, and this lead to a hesitancy to pursue a career in it even though the love of acting had been planted.
As Christina grew older she continued to pursue various creative endeavors such as painting and writing, but there was always something missing for her. Once she entered high school she discovered theater. She was hooked once again. This time period reinvigorated her childhood love of acting and she found the theater to be an inspiring environment for her to develop her passion for the craft. She continued studying theatre in college at UC Santa Cruz and joined a multi-cultural theater group that performed for, while helping inner-city kids in Los Angeles. Helping kids lead her to transfer to Eugene Lang University in NYC and finish her degree in education. Focused on helping educate kids through the arts, Christina set aside acting for a period of about three years, yet she knew in her heart she should dedicate herself to acting. She still had the hurdle of shyness to jump over.
Having now grown into a mature and much more confident woman, Christina decided she wasn't going to let fear stop her anymore. Acting was her true calling and this was something she had to pursue on a professional level. She packed up her things and moved back to Los Angeles in 2006 to do just that. Her brave choice was immediately validated by her quickly booking a slew of commercials and being featured in many independent films.
After a brief return to New York City to perform in theater for a few years, Christina took part in an ABC Talent Showcase at the Acorn Theatre in 2008. This lead to her securing an agent and she returned back to Los Angeles now fully ready to flourish in her chosen profession. Christina booked roles in ABC Family's "Twisted," and CW's "Nikita." She worked in the film projects such as Warner Bros, "The Invention Of Lying," Magic Time Productions, "Star Trek Voyages," and Morphius Films, "Starship".
Committing to becoming an actress was a long road, one of which her doubt and fears were constant obstacles. Christina wants to be an inspiration to other actors to follow your heart, work hard on your craft, overcome your insecurities, and to never give up on what you want to achieve. She is living proof that amazing things can happen when you do so.
Outside of her career, Christina spends her time helping to shed light on the importance of educating young girls, exposing the growing problem of human trafficking, and creating more pathways for female driven projects in entertainment. She is a supporter of organizations such as: Lotus Outreach International, The Girl Effect, and The Geena Davis Institute.
Christina enjoys focusing on a healthy diet, hiking, practicing yoga, swimming, dancing, and the art of meditation. She believes living an active and balanced life is an important part of an individual's happiness.
Christina Moses is the female lead in the upcoming mid-season CW television series, "Containment," created by show-runner Julie Plec ("The Vampire Diaries", "The Originals"). This heart-pounding new drama follows the rapid spread of a deadly virus in Atlanta, which causes the government to issue an urban quarantine. Christina plays "Jana," a brilliant data recovery specialist, who has trouble trusting those closest to her because of her rough upbringing. Jana quickly realizes that she has been locked inside of the quarantine and is separated from her Atlanta PD Lt. Major boyfriend, Lex. Jana must use her quick wits, reluctant leadership skills, and survival instincts to become the hero those on the inside desperately need. The series premieres on April 19th, 2016 on The CW.
Christina was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA by parents who were both involved in the entertainment business. Her father was a respected acting teacher, writer, and director, and this lead Christina to be exposed to the world of acting at a very early age. Her father saw a special gift for the craft of acting in Christina, but she was painfully shy in front of a camera, and this lead to a hesitancy to pursue a career in it even though the love of acting had been planted.
As Christina grew older she continued to pursue various creative endeavors such as painting and writing, but there was always something missing for her. Once she entered high school she discovered theater. She was hooked once again. This time period reinvigorated her childhood love of acting and she found the theater to be an inspiring environment for her to develop her passion for the craft. She continued studying theatre in college at UC Santa Cruz and joined a multi-cultural theater group that performed for, while helping inner-city kids in Los Angeles. Helping kids lead her to transfer to Eugene Lang University in NYC and finish her degree in education. Focused on helping educate kids through the arts, Christina set aside acting for a period of about three years, yet she knew in her heart she should dedicate herself to acting. She still had the hurdle of shyness to jump over.
Having now grown into a mature and much more confident woman, Christina decided she wasn't going to let fear stop her anymore. Acting was her true calling and this was something she had to pursue on a professional level. She packed up her things and moved back to Los Angeles in 2006 to do just that. Her brave choice was immediately validated by her quickly booking a slew of commercials and being featured in many independent films.
After a brief return to New York City to perform in theater for a few years, Christina took part in an ABC Talent Showcase at the Acorn Theatre in 2008. This lead to her securing an agent and she returned back to Los Angeles now fully ready to flourish in her chosen profession. Christina booked roles in ABC Family's "Twisted," and CW's "Nikita." She worked in the film projects such as Warner Bros, "The Invention Of Lying," Magic Time Productions, "Star Trek Voyages," and Morphius Films, "Starship".
Committing to becoming an actress was a long road, one of which her doubt and fears were constant obstacles. Christina wants to be an inspiration to other actors to follow your heart, work hard on your craft, overcome your insecurities, and to never give up on what you want to achieve. She is living proof that amazing things can happen when you do so.
Outside of her career, Christina spends her time helping to shed light on the importance of educating young girls, exposing the growing problem of human trafficking, and creating more pathways for female driven projects in entertainment. She is a supporter of organizations such as: Lotus Outreach International, The Girl Effect, and The Geena Davis Institute.
Christina enjoys focusing on a healthy diet, hiking, practicing yoga, swimming, dancing, and the art of meditation. She believes living an active and balanced life is an important part of an individual's happiness.