"Christina" from GivemePink... last name??


I was wondering if anyone here knew the last name of this--obviously Eastern European--brunette/green-eyed girl from GiveMePink. I've seen more than one page of her from there before, but I also remember seeing her one time on Sportyone I believe, but it was either under a different name, or she just isn't there now.

Someone was even asking about her on here already, on the following post... so I guess I'm just wondering if anyone's pieced together what her full/current name is. Thanks!!

Thanks a bunch! Yeah, I think I must've stumbled across her on Sportyone under that Estelle name... I know she's not exactly attractive in the traditional sense of the word (unlike the Kyla Coles or Lainie Barbies out there), but there's just some trashy appeal to her.

Either way, talk about what a difference a haircut makes...
"I know she's not exactly attractive"? Are you kidding? The pictures from her Give Me Pink sessions are the stuff that dreams are made of. This lady is abso-fucking-lutely *GORGEOUS*! =D