Chicago-No plan, no diploma


Hiliary 2020
According to this (because who knows what's true anymore) Israel Citizen and Chicago Mayor R. Emanuel is planning to require students to have a job, be enrolled in college, or join the fucking army to get their high school diploma.

CNN reported it 1st I believe.

Anyway to the untrained eye and the common idiot this is good.
But to the rest of us its just a way to get poor kids to sign up for the army to go fight for Rahm's homeland.
Or get more students to drop out and wind up in the penile system.

So you go to school till youre 18 and graduate then you have 3 options:
Get a job. Sure in this economy jobs are plentiful.
Go to college. Yeah, the poor kids in Chicago, mostly from single parent homes on welfare can afford sending their kids to college because college is so cheap in the USA.

Or join the Army to be used as bodies to go fight all the illegal wars the US is in and is threatening to continue.
So the Military Industrial Complex and the Zio Bankers can make more trillions of dollars by sending kids off to war to be killed or crippled then ignored by the VA if they return.

This is just another step closer to re enstating the draft....which is coming.
You will go fight to protect AL Qeaeada or we will put you in a concrete and steel 6X9 for 10 years so the private prison system can profit off your existence. Some choice. Land of the Free right?

And as icing on the cake, to really insult our intelligence they make it out to be like they are doing this to help the kids. Sick fucks.

Is this propsed law a good thing?
Whats you opinion, we'd like to know?


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
... I believe...Go to college. Yeah, the poor kids in Chicago, mostly from single parent homes on welfare can afford sending their kids to college because college is so cheap in the USA.

Whats you opinion, we'd like to know?

College is free in NY if you graduate and work in NY for 6 years. Do your homework kid.


Hiliary 2020
Remind us again that Rahm is jewish. And way to trash anyone who has ever served in our armed forces.


I don't care much if he's a Jew.
Anyone can be Jewish. Its not like they have any Genes dating back to the original people from what is now Israel.
And as for Rahm. Yeah he served in the armed forces......The Israeli Armed forces.
And his Father..... look him up. A real american Patriot he was.

But he is ISRAELI. Quite a few US politicians and other heads are Israeli.
Dual or not, they are Israeli.
To some people, not you of course but some, do have a problem with CITIZENS of another country REPRESENTING them.

College is free in NY if you graduate and work in NY for 6 years. Do your homework kid.

I'll take your word for it.
So you graduate HS, work a job for 6 years, then the GOV will pay for youre college until you earn a degree?
They do that for anybody?
Either way its off topic.
I can do a summersault! There were even.

I figure I get crap from this crew.
It is what it is and this is an underhanded way to get people with few options to have to join the fucking army.

And even if you think it isnt do you really think its right to force people to have to do something after they EARNED a HS Diploma?
What if you want to travel, or study on your own, or play GTA 5 for a year?
Its un least the America I thought existed.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Who's going to pay for your travel? Where are you going to play GTA 5? Both on mom and dad's dime. Quitting school at 16 is an option also. Is this the kind of people you want to create? Why not sit on your dead ass for 2 years, 5 years, 10 years.

If you want to study there are plenty of ways you can do this. Low income families can have their kids get free education through a number of programs everywhere. The NY program gives families earning under 100G the free college. Go to school and take 30 credits per semester. After graduation, live and work in NY State for 6 years and you are done. Move or work out of state in that time and it converts into a loan. High schools also offer BOCES to learn trades.

If any parent can't get their kids into any of those directions then they haven't done their jobs. Carrying a gun is a last option.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
The article isn't really clear. Are the requirements to actually have a job, enroll in college, or join the military, or to merely have plans to find a job, plans to enroll in college, or plans to join the miltary? Because those are two vastly different things, the former is unrealistic and the latter lacks any real substance.


Hiliary 2020
Sure there are ways for the poor to go to college.
Its starts with finishing high school.
And sure most don't take advantage of it.
That stinks. Bad parenting? Probably usually the case.
But withholding a diploma from people who earned it, no good.

I think we all can agree with that.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Withholding the diploma is a no. Raising the expectations is the issue. Plenty of people learn trades without diplomas. Plumbing, masonry, carpentry, auto mechanics, welding, et al. It's all about being productive. Cleaning and maintenance are good paying jobs too. All are skills. No shortage of positions in the market.

Everyone has an opportunity. Set your goals. Work towards them. You want to be the next techno dj to get 10G for a gig in Aruba? Do it. Till then, make a buck. Do shit that no body else wants to do. Work 60 hours to keep your ass away from your Xbox. Pocket that money to build on your dreams.