Hiliary 2020
According to this (because who knows what's true anymore) Israel Citizen and Chicago Mayor R. Emanuel is planning to require students to have a job, be enrolled in college, or join the fucking army to get their high school diploma.
CNN reported it 1st I believe.
Anyway to the untrained eye and the common idiot this is good.
But to the rest of us its just a way to get poor kids to sign up for the army to go fight for Rahm's homeland.
Or get more students to drop out and wind up in the penile system.
So you go to school till youre 18 and graduate then you have 3 options:
Get a job. Sure in this economy jobs are plentiful.
Go to college. Yeah, the poor kids in Chicago, mostly from single parent homes on welfare can afford sending their kids to college because college is so cheap in the USA.
Or join the Army to be used as bodies to go fight all the illegal wars the US is in and is threatening to continue.
So the Military Industrial Complex and the Zio Bankers can make more trillions of dollars by sending kids off to war to be killed or crippled then ignored by the VA if they return.
This is just another step closer to re enstating the draft....which is coming.
You will go fight to protect AL Qeaeada or we will put you in a concrete and steel 6X9 for 10 years so the private prison system can profit off your existence. Some choice. Land of the Free right?
And as icing on the cake, to really insult our intelligence they make it out to be like they are doing this to help the kids. Sick fucks.
Is this propsed law a good thing?
Whats you opinion, we'd like to know?
CNN reported it 1st I believe.
Anyway to the untrained eye and the common idiot this is good.
But to the rest of us its just a way to get poor kids to sign up for the army to go fight for Rahm's homeland.
Or get more students to drop out and wind up in the penile system.
So you go to school till youre 18 and graduate then you have 3 options:
Get a job. Sure in this economy jobs are plentiful.
Go to college. Yeah, the poor kids in Chicago, mostly from single parent homes on welfare can afford sending their kids to college because college is so cheap in the USA.
Or join the Army to be used as bodies to go fight all the illegal wars the US is in and is threatening to continue.
So the Military Industrial Complex and the Zio Bankers can make more trillions of dollars by sending kids off to war to be killed or crippled then ignored by the VA if they return.
This is just another step closer to re enstating the draft....which is coming.
You will go fight to protect AL Qeaeada or we will put you in a concrete and steel 6X9 for 10 years so the private prison system can profit off your existence. Some choice. Land of the Free right?
And as icing on the cake, to really insult our intelligence they make it out to be like they are doing this to help the kids. Sick fucks.
Is this propsed law a good thing?
Whats you opinion, we'd like to know?