Chicago Comes Just Short Of Being Able To Celebrate 400 Shootings In May

The heartwarming story of Chicago gang members offing each other brings enough levity and distraction from the peril a child faced avoiding being killed by a Silverback Gorilla also possibly surviving being raised by one too.


Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
See....gun control DOES work....
The news said that with these numbers Chicago now outranks every Iraqi city in gun violence.
Now that's impressive.
I just about everything Chicago excels.

and there was about 0% chance an adult gorilla would hurt a child. In the last 20 years or so I know of 2 other cases where a child fell into a gorilla enclosure, in both cases the gorilla carefully picked the child up and handed them to their keeper when he came in the enclosure.