I probably wouldn't care that much about this topic if I ddn't feel like it was effecting me, but it is. I, and others in my area, have felt the health effects of this, and I actually noticed the myriad of trails in the sky about a month ago. It causes an allergic reaction and nasal-congestion in some people, and cold- or flu like symptoms in others…has anyone else seen the chemtrails or experienced any health effects from them, and what is your opinion on the subject ? Geo-engineering scientists argue that it is an experimental method being tested to cool the earth, however, others suggest it maybe part of a much more sinister agenda.


Symptoms Resulting From Chemtrail Spraying

Over the past ten years, through research and the personal accounts of many individuals, it has become readily apparent that the aluminum and barium salt mixtures, polymer fibers, toxic chemicals and biologicals sprayed in the atmosphere are the irritants that are either directly or indirectly responsible for health problems on the rise in the United States and elsewhere.

These toxic particulates are rapidly absorbed from the respiratory system and / or the gastrointestinal tract and are deposited in the lungs, muscles, and bone.

This illegal aerial spraying is producing atmospheric and ground conditions detrimental to human and animal health but favorable to the growth of harmful molds / fungus.

This overview is a partial list of health problems reported by private citizens to Chemtrail researchers.

1. Nose and lung bleeds (the latter including several reports from nursing homes of elderly dying from lung bleed outs, we believe being directly attributable to atmospheric aerosols);

2. Asthma and allergies;

3. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) (fungus on the lungs in both infants and adults),

4. Flu, Bronchitis and Pneumonia (in epidemic proportions, with doctors commenting to their patients on the many weeks it sometimes takes to improve and the lack of effective antibiotics to treat, including reports of pets having the flu, whole families being decimated), meningitis (inflammation / infection of the brain);

5. Upper respiratory symptoms (wheezing, dry cough), including Pulmonary Distress Syndrome (PDS) (in newborns, infants and adults alike), Sudden Infant Death (SIDS), and increased nationwide reports of the sudden death of athletes (reported in the news media as having possibly been attributable directly to air particulates / pollution);

6. Deaths from black mold; black or red mold on food crops (farmers reporting pH changes of soil and water), in buildings and ventilation systems (including school buildings);

7. Arthritis-like symptoms and muscular pain (young and old alike, sometimes crippling, and in pets);

8. Gastrointestinal distress (young and old alike, and in pets);

9. Bladder and yeast infections (includes bed wetting, not just in infants but adults);

10. Extreme fatigue (young and old alike);

11. Ringing of the ears, dizziness (increasingly reported immediately preceding or after a storm or weather system);

12. Eye problems – pink eye, blurred and deteriorating vision / nervous tics after exposure to the air outdoors;

13. Dry / cracking skin and lips, rashes, sores and fungal infections, aging of the skin;

14. Mental confusion / slow thinking and / or the feeling of mentally “being in a fog” (young and old alike, increasingly reported after actually being in heavy mists and fog banks);

15. Autoimmune disorders (Lupus, Crohn’s, Addison’s Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc.)

Note: Some of the above symptoms / illnesses can be related to other physical / environmental factors such as dehydration.)

Aluminum Symptoms

Excessive amounts of aluminum can result in symptoms of poisoning. The symptoms include constipation, colic, loss of appetite, nausea, skin ailments, twitching of leg muscles, excessive perspiration, and loss of energy. People with aluminum poisoning should discontinue the use of aluminum cookware and the drinking of tap water. Small quantities of soluble salts of aluminum present in the blood causes slow form of poisoning characterized by motor paralysis and areas of local numbness, with fatty degeneration of kidney and liver. There are also anatomical changes in the nerve centres and symptoms of gastro intestinal inflammation.

In the last few years there has been much publicity about aluminum, as well as a tentative connection of aluminum to Alzheimer Disease. According to Dr. Terry L. Franks the clinical picture is clear that Alzheimer’s is concurrently involved with aluminum toxicity and he also believe it is the major contributing factor to Alzheimer’s. It will progressively worsen in North America in the coming year because of the pervasive use of aluminum. Aluminum has the tendency to freeze up or irritate nerve endings, producing spasm and contracture. When someone is going through aluminum detoxification can actually look like an advanced case of Alzheimers Disease.

How Aluminum Affects Health

Nervous system

In animal studies, aluminum blocks the action potential or electrical discharge of nerve cells, reducing nervous system activity. Aluminum also inhibits important enzymes in the brain (Na-K-ATPase and hexokinase). Aluminum may also inhibit uptake of important chemicals by nerve cells (dopamine, norepinephrine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine).

Behavioural Effects

Dementia resulting from kidney dialysis related to aluminum toxicity causes memory loss, loss of coordination, confusion and disorientation.

Symptoms of Aluminum Toxicity

Early symptoms of aluminum toxicity include: flatulence, headaches, colic, dryness of skin and mucous membranes, tendency for colds, burning pain in the head relieved by food, heartburn and an aversion to meat.
Later symptoms include paralytic muscular conditions, loss of memory and mental confusion. Other symtpoms may include:

Alzheimer’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, anaemia, haemolysis, leukocytosis, porphyra, colitis, dental cavities, dementia dialactica, hypo-parathyroidism, kidney dysfunction, neuromuscular disorder, osteomalacia, Parkinson’s disease, ulcers.

Digestive system

Aluminum reduces intestinal activity, and by doing so can cause colic.

Treatment of Aluminum Toxicity

Decreasing contact with and use of aluminum-containing substances will reduce intake and allow more aluminum to leave the body. Oral chelating agents will also help clear aluminum more rapidly. Calcium disodium edetate (EDTA) binds and clears aluminum from the body; this substance is fairly nontoxic and used as the agent for “chelation therapy,: an intravenous treatment used to pull metals such as lead from the body, and more recently used in the treatment of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.

Deferoxamine, an iron chelator, also binds aluminum. In a study with Alzheimer’s patients, nearly 40 percent of the patients showed an improvement in symptoms with deferoxamine treatment. There is some evidence that intravenous chelation with EDTA helps Alzheimer’s patients. More research is needed to evaluate aluminum’s involvement with this disease. Recovery is excellent for removing heavy metals.

Vitamin C

Has been found to bind aluminum. The average dose, if the patient is relatively comfortable, is about six grams a day. Up to twelve grams is not excessive. The average time on an aluminum detoxification is three to four weeks.


The best way to prevent aluminum buildup is to avoid the sources of aluminum. Eliminating foods that have aluminum additives is probably healthier overall. Not using common table salt is a positive health step as well. Some tap waters contain aluminum, this can be checked. Avoiding aluminum cookware and replacing it with stainless steel, ceramic, or glass is a good idea. Blocking skin and sweat pores with aluminum anti-perspirants.


The possibility of barium poisoning is a reality among people working in and living near heavy industrial sites such as chemical plants, factories that produce rubber products and other such places. That is because barium is one of the components used in manufacturing the products created in these plants.

However, because many of these products end up in ordinary households, it is also possible for a person who does not work in or live near an industrial plant to experience barium poisoning. Rat poison, for instance, contains barium compounds. Some fluorescent bulbs have coatings made from barium oxide. Fish caught in waters near industrial sites may have absorbed barium from the water.

Given the considerable probability of a person becoming afflicted with barium poisoning, how would you know for sure if you or someone living with you ingested barium at toxic levels? If you find yourself or someone living in your household with symptoms of barium poisoning, then you should act immediately.

What Is Barium?

In order to understand how serious barium poisoning is, we need first to understand what barium is in the first place. Barium is a heavy metal that naturally occurs in the environment. It is silvery white in appearance.

Barium is valuable in many industries that make use of heavy metal because it can remove traces of oxygen in some chemical compounds. It also increases the luster of glass. However, barium is explosive and can react violently when mixed with water. Also, it cannot be digested by the body; barium can be poisonous if the amount the body contains exceeds tolerable levels.

Symptoms of Barium Poisoning to Look For

When barium accumulates in the body, it usually affects the functions of the nervous system. Barium poisoning displays symptoms that are similar to flu, which is why it is not strange to find the condition misdiagnosed as flu. Common symptoms of barium poisoning include:

Symptoms Resulting From Chemtrail Spraying

1. Muscle weakness and tremors
2. Difficulty in breathing
3. Stomach irritations accompanied by diarrhea
4. Anxiety
5. Cardiac irregularities such as abnormally high blood pressure and rapid heartbeat
6. Paralysis

What to Do in Case of Barium Poisoning

In case someone in your household has just ingested something that contains barium, the first thing you need to do is to induce him or her to vomit. This will get some of the barium out of the victim’s system. You can also mix a tablespoon of Epsom salts (sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate) with a glass of water and get the victim to drink it. Afterwards, you should bring the victim to the emergency room of the nearest hospital to make sure that he or she does not succumb to barium poisoning.

You can also prevent barium poisoning from happening in your home. For one, you should keep your rat poison or any other chemical substances in your house that contains barium out of reach of children. Make sure that you have labeled their containers properly.

You should also avoid eating fish that was caught near industrial sites and ascertain that the fish and seafood you eat does not contain barium or any other heavy metal. This will prevent you from accumulating barium in your system and suffer from barium poisoning later on.

Fall allergy season comes early
By Beth Jones, FOX 11 News

Updated: Tuesday, August 6, 2013, 9:54 PM CDT
Published: Tuesday, August 6, 2013, 8:27 PM CDT
(1/2)It seems fall is already upon us, at least when it comes to the outdoor sneezing season. Doctors say autumn allergies are here much earlier this year. (2/2)
(Photo courtesy: WLUK)


FOND DU LAC - It seems fall is already upon us, at least when it comes to the outdoor allergy season.

Doctors say autumn allergies have arrived much earlier this year.

Before heading back to school, Tyler Williams of Fond du Lac says he makes a special trip to the allergist.

"Just here to get my allergy shot, and hopefully get a little better before I head back to school," said Williams. "I'm at Lakeland, we're in the middle of a cornfield so this definitely helps."

That should be true, considering ragweed arrived more than a week early.

"We usually see ragweed pollen appear around August 15th, in fact I used to take vacations around August 15th coming back and going to work because so many people would be affected," explained Dr. Steve Kagen with Kagen Allergy Clinic.

Kagen says he's not sure why the season arrived so much earlier this year.

But he says he is already starting to see patients.

Allergy symptoms include sneezing, nasal congestion, sinus headaches, itchy eyes, as well as coughing and wheezing.

While ragweed may be the culprit now, doctors say the only way to find out for sure is to make an appointment.

"It's really important that children, when heading back to school are healthy, and they can breathe, not just at nighttime through their nose, but during the daytime so they're not distracted at school," Kagen said. "So it's really important now to get your allergies under control."

Kagen says allergies are treatable, whether it be through medications or an allergy shot.

I'm sorry but I don't believe that there is a plot to poison us with aircraft. The trails that you look up and see are simply produced by warm wingtips cutting through colder air at high altitudes. And even if they were doing this they would want it to be a secret and do it only at night. Eric are you by any chance a fan of George Nourey and the Coast To Coast A.M. show? I listen on occasion and chemtrails are a recurring topic there.
I'm sorry but I don't believe that there is a plot to poison us with aircraft. The trails that you look up and see are simply produced by warm wingtips cutting through colder air at high altitudes. And even if they were doing this they would want it to be a secret and do it only at night. Eric are you by any chance a fan of George Nourey and the Coast To Coast A.M. show? I listen on occasion and chemtrails are a recurring topic there.

Well first you have to differentiate between chemtrails and contrails. Contrails are what you described, but chemtrails is a totally different phenomenon. If you watched the videos, they are very specific about distinguishing these different things. Additionally if you watched the videos then you know there is no doubt that the governemt is dropping these chemicals from the sky. The only question is why are they doing it and what are the effects of it . Al Gore says it is a climate control experiment, however, the fourth video in the first post of this thread provides a very different viewpoint.

This field of science is called biological engineering or "bioengineering." The technical term for chemtrails is Stratospheric Aerosol Geo-engineering; or SAG' It is very real, and I suggest you look it up and familiarize yourself with what it is ...Bio-engineering scientists don't deny that they are planning and experimenting with this technology, nor do the deny that there could be extreme health concequences as a result of what they are doing.

I've never listened to George Nourney or heard of that show...I had heard of chemtrails here and there but didn't pay attention untill it started effecting my personally and other people I know. People have been exhibiting the symptoms described for about the last 6 months in the area. I began noticing the chemtrails about a month ago after i had researched the subject and knew what to look for.

So as I said the whole situation is very real. I think the more you research the topic, the more you will see this to be true, however it may not really hit home with you untill, or unless, it effects you, or someone you know, personally.
Only heard it discussed and never researched it. I do know that some people believe that even contrails are spreading poisons. If it is something regarding chemicals then it is at least worth taking a look at it. But I remain skeptical albeit admittedly uninformed about this. You'd like the Nourey show especially when they discuss demon possession.
Only heard it discussed and never researched it. I do know that some people believe that even contrails are spreading poisons. If it is something regarding chemicals then it is at least worth taking a look at it. But I remain skeptical albeit admittedly uninformed about this. You'd like the Nourey show especially when they discuss demon possession.

Yeah it is definately worth taking a look at. Untill recently, the SAG phenomenon was new to me, but I've been generally interested in bio-engineering for quite sometime. It is a field that has the capability of doing some extraordinarily good things, but also some very bad things as well. It all depends on the philosophy and agenda of those in control of the relevant technology.

Just looked up George Noory...seems kinda like an alex jones type.... thanx....looks somewhat interesting, and I will give him a listen, if posssible !

We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening.
We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air.
They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.
The soft metals will
cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our
many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison.
The poisons will be absorbed trough their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems.
From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.
The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear.
We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far.
We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones.
Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.
They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true

A plethora of scientists, main-stream media, and well-recognized politicians such as Al Gore have long ago substantiated the existance of the subject matter phenomena addressed in this thread. Geo-Engineering has been a well-recognized field of science for at least the last 20 or 30 years. However, the fact that someone like you doesn't know anything about it, or understand it, is far from surprising.

I would recommend that you take this opportunity to edify yourself with some of the resources provided here, however, since none of the video speakers are naked porn models, I guess there isn't much chance of that, now is there. lol


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I'm sorry but I don't believe that there is a plot to poison us with aircraft. The trails that you look up and see are simply produced by warm wingtips cutting through colder air at high altitudes.

Actually, contrails that you typically see following a jet at high altitudes are nothing more than condensation from the engine exhaust. The more humid the air is, the longer the contrail will be. Wings at 25K-plus feet are no warmer than the surrounding air but sometimes you will see contrails off the tips of the wings that are caused by pressure changes that also produce small amounts of condensation. These contrails are typically much shorter than engine-produced contrails and are most often seen at lower altitudes....often right after take-off or just before landing.
As a Chemical Engineer by trade can I just say 'chemtrails' is the biggest load of crap I ever heard. There are some fucking space cadets in this world of ours!
As a Chemical Engineer by trade can I just say 'chemtrails' is the biggest load of crap I ever heard. There are some fucking space cadets in this world of ours!

lol Now the "giblets" moron is also a chemical THAT is the biggest load of crap I ever heard...chemtrails is just a laymans term for the field of Geo-Engineering...Which has been pointed out several times already in this thread...There is nothing speculative about this field which has existed for decades. The fact that chemicals are being sprayed over every industrialized nation in the western world is not in dispute and has been admitted by the military and the government. The debate by scientists, attorney's and independent experts centers around exactly what chemicals they are spraying, why are they spraying it, and what the effects are on human health and the enviroment.

For you to come in here and pretend to that Geo-Engineering doesn't exist is beyond ridiculous.
The distinction between chemtrails and contrails is the first topic discussed in almost every video regarding this topic. Water vapor is associated with contrails. You have to take it apon yourself to learn this distinction before you can really begin to understand the subject matter of this thread. Jagger has provided a basic definition of some contrails. Chemtrails is a totally different phenomenon.

Celts use to be scared about the sky falling on their heads. Maybe they were actually right...


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Once again, if a scientist says it, it must be true. How do people sleep at night wondering if they are going to be abducted by aliens or Big Foot will be crashing through their doors? These are the same people that buy books written by that known fraud Erich von Däniken. That whole Illuminati, NWO, government conspiracy shit is an industry. They make tons of money with their books and lecturing at conventions. No shortage of people believing in the Boogey Man. Many of these frauds are Doctors and Professors.
Once again, if a scientist says it, it must be true. How do people sleep at night wondering if they are going to be abducted by aliens or Big Foot will be crashing through their doors? These are the same people that buy books written by that known fraud Erich von Däniken. That whole Illuminati, NWO, government conspiracy shit is an industry. They make tons of money with their books and lecturing at conventions. No shortage of people believing in the Boogey Man. Many of these frauds are Doctors and Professors.

Geo-Engineering is a well known area of science and has been for several decades. The Military and the Government, as referenced in this thread, confirmed their utilization of the phenomenon of chemtrails long ago. The independent scientists and other researchers also referenced in this thread are analyzing the type of chemicals being sprayed, the effects of the chemicals on humans, and the enviroment, and the reasons for spraying the chemicals.

Most of the scientists and other individuals who research and share this information with the public, do so for humanitarian reasons, at their own risk, and at their own financial expense. It is disingenuous to suggest that anyone who may get paid a relatively nominal fee to lecture on this subject does so for purely financial reasons. Research does not fund itself, and many need donations just to continue their work. The small amount they may make is certainly no comparison to the amount of money main-stream media corporate mouthpieces get paid to lie or obfuscate the issue.

As for those who write books, I personally haven't read any, there is more than enough information provided for free for an intelligent person to understand and analyze. I certainly wouldn't call all authors frauds just because they know enough about the subject matter to write a book about it. There are good and bad books written on every subject. You have to take each book and each author on a case by case basis, Nothing is gained by making an over-reaching blanket statement regarding authors and subject matter that you don't know anything about, and haven't taken the time to research.