I know know who's doing it but I have heard alot of really faggoty versions of great rock songs being annihilated by either one or several women, and its pissing me off.
Usually sang with a slight lisp.
I can just picture some yuppie, corporate slave motherfucker driving there Escalade to go buy some more shit they don't need listening to and thinking, "I'm so now".
I suppose Celine Dion is one of the culprits.
They should be shot in the kneecaps and thrown from a helicopter into a sewage treatment center and disposed of with the rest of the shit.
Among the victims are:
Don Mcleans American Pie.
Stones Sympathy for the Devil and
Wild Horses.
I also feel the same about Electronica versions of good rock songs.
Those "talented" Electronica "artists" can't come up with anything original
on their little computers or what?
It ain't like they're spending time practicing they're instrument.
They should be Bludgeoned with a ball peen hammer, cubed, ground up, pulverized and used for fertilizer with the rest of the shit.......