lets get real, this stuff happens everyday in the usa. its most likely happening as i write this.
the only reason this made the news is because this time it was white guys.
hell last week when that little kid was set on fire in florida, nobody mentioned race or hate crime then......
crime sucks, but why label them or advertise them according to race
In cases like this, I like to ask myself, "what would Rush Limbaugh do?"
Clearly the answer is, if the kids had been Asian, Black, Latino or American Indian, the victim had been White, and there was
NO sign of
any racial conflict (just a crime of greed and/or brutality), I'd scream to the hills that this was just another sign of the future! A sign of things to come in (*drum roll*)...
Obama's Amerika!!!
Ya know, like that fight on that school bus a few weeks back. Some of the kids were White and some were Black. Just kids fighting. Nothing racial - and that according to the police who investigated.
Until (*another drum roll, please*)... Boss Limbaugh put his racially revisionist spin on it. Rush told the story like he had been on the bus. And it was apparently a race war. Yeah, Rush had the 411 on the whole deal. With his
talent on loan from God, Rush "The Magic Pillhead" laid the story out of how our children will no longer be safe riding (integrated) school buses in (*yet another drum roll*)...
Obama's Amerika!!!
IMO, Black, White, Jew, Gentile, male or female... if you can't do the time, simply don't commit the crime. Problem solved. The UK has laws just as most civillized countries do. Sounds like these punks violated more than a few. Maybe it's time these punk cowards "man up" (for once in their sorry lives) and take what's coming to them. :hatsoff: