Nancy Grace is a fat cunt. Kill her with fire.
Whatever happened to "can't have a murder without a body?" If she is guilty, she's putting on one of the best "sad mother" acts ever.
Casey Anthony is hot.
I am still amazed at anyone who doesn't get this whole clear cut baby murder case...
Sad mother??? Sad mothers don't party after killing their little baby girls. Sad mothers don't take a long break after snuffing out a 3 year olds life, and only after the police get into it act worried over the disappearance of the baby.
This bimbo isn't even close to half smart, and was just happy as a pig in shit getting so much attention, right up until the reality face slap of a First Degree Murder charge.
I have a little girl, and know lots of other little kids...I know what Caylee was like without having ever met her. Yeah...I wouldn't hesitate to hurt Mom to find out for sure where Caylee's little corpse is. Don't even wonder for a minute if any parent would condemn her execution. I of course refer to actual parents, not the psychos who bully babies.
I feel such sadness internally whenever I think about any baby being hurt or abused, and no way is Casey a grieving Mom.
And maybe you should pay a little more attention...there are indeed murder cases, and convictions, without a body. Surprise!