Can you get Ariane into bed?

Every time i get to the good part the game freezes and i get "error on page " along the bottom of screen , frustrating -even if it is only a game!
I got her into the hot tub, rubbed her shoulders, then tried to kiss her and she gave me the ol' Heisman!

I get the sense there is only 1 correct set of actions to actually get her into the sack..everything else leads to an END GAME...

Fun as hell though!
Well I finally "conquered" the game. I banged her on her couch, after we went out for dinner and after we got thrown out of a Club.

The game is really quite fun and addictive.

It froze too much when I tried just playing it *online*. I had much better playing success (less freezes) when I downloaded it.

I might try to see if I can bang her a different way...
I did get her naked in the swimming pool,! . it seems that if you make a wrong move you have to start the game again rather than go back a page like some games.
Damn! Nice job....:bowdown:

I banged her but she escorted me to the door and told me to call her....

I really like it when she says "Go ahead" and gives me the greenlight to grab her tits. That's nicely done in the game. The actual mish bang was a bit meh....

I haven't played this in awhile.....


My Penis Is Dancing!
In one of those instances where art imitates life, I keep getting rejected, no matter what cheap move I attempt.