Can we clarify on bumping?

My pet peeve on the board is bumps.

I cannot stand when a person bumps a thread pretty much anything under 12hours from the last activity on the thread.

What does bug me more is when a person bumps a thread with the term "bump" when the last comment on the thread was a half hour previous. Do noobs not understand that someone commenting on the pic brings it up just the same as bumping does?


Lord Dipstick
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What bothers me even more is when somebody does it in the babes section on somebody's thread there when either somebody is going to put up another link or say something eventually, usually in a short amount of time anyhow, or that woman is out of the industry and nothing new is going to come about her and they just put something to bump the thread. As if bumping is going to change that fact.

The Paulinator

Spreading the seed
I think we need a tutorial on "subscribe to this thread" So many posts are added to so many threads daily that bumping will still cause the thread to be on page 4 or 5 by the next day. :2 cents:
I like the ancient bumps. It's funny to see the people who don't realize it and debate with the OP that doesn't exist anymore.

We've even had people pulling a Sixth Sense on here. good times.


Postal Paranoiac
BUMP--Bringing Up Muleshit Posts
What exactly are we clarifying?