Can animals be gay?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
No, they can't :D
Male dung flies, meanwhile, appear to mate with other males with the aim of exhausting them and thereby reducing the competition for females.

I've always known I was dung fly at heart.

Seems that gay couples can be good parents, too.

While that part of the story is disputed. Other sources say, the two dudes were just not interested in mating with the flown-in birds.

The zoo flew in four females in a bid to get the endangered birds to reproduce - but quickly abandoned the scheme after causing outrage among gay rights activists, who accused it of interfering in the animals' behaviour.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Although some animals can change their gender.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Pff... Wolves > Wildcats....

Wildcats are hawt though :D
Nope. Their only thought pattern is survival, carrying on the species, and the basic functions: eating, sleeping, gathering.

They know how to carry on as they have been doing so for centuries. Male species breeds with the female species. They have no concept of homosexuality or any of that silliness. They are to merely carry on the species and the mother, father, pack, whatever animal species we are speaking of will teach the young how to grow up and do the same.

Now, can a human teach, say a dog how to be gay by showing the dog as a pup what to do with another male dog? Who knows. Then again who the fuck would want to do that any way?

I know dogs hump the shit out of every thing some times, but that doesn't mean anything, they don't know any better and just trying to get that particular feeling taken care of.
hurray for lesbianism!

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Mike Birbiglia :hatsoff: