Busty redhead

omg, she is gorgeous, i will look around, i love redheads!
awesome links steef :hatsoff: :thumbsup: but I can't help you on this one sorry :(
I'm willing to bet a small sum of pornography that we're looking at Ava Devine in a red wig. Absolutely smoldering. ...All that from nothing more than the words "redhead" and "teenyvids" in Google :p
Yankers said:
I'm willing to bet a small sum of pornography that we're looking at Ava Devine in a red wig. Absolutely smoldering. ...All that from nothing more than the words "redhead" and "teenyvids" in Google :p

I am more than willing to take this wager. I don't want to sound like a smart ass, but that isn't even close to Ava...sorry man, you are wrong.
I'm tellin ya... Look at the blonde bikini vids... It's not a huge leap. Put her in a red wig and it's pretty dang close, IMO of course.

She's one of those women that can look downright nasty one moment an stunning the next. Well, whatever :p If I'm wrong, I'm wrong.


So am I... The eyes are identical, eyebrow arch is identical. Lips: smiling, but identical. Now the cheek structure is off, but I suspect that's because she's smiling and possibly had work done (especially when compared to the formentioned bikini vid above). Even then you'll notice the facial outline itself is nearly identical, made more apparent by the fact that it's nearly the same camera angle.

Pornstar Analysis... LOL
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And the nose is upturned in the newer vid admittedly (looks different in bikini vids too). Again, I suspect minor surgery.
OK, let's forget the face...the body is different too. This unknown girl is skinnier and her tits aren't as big, her ass isn't as juicy... I'm not going to argue this, someone will back me up. If this unknown girl was Ava the link would have said so, plus a moderator would have said so and this thread would be dead. I just can't wait til other people start chiming in on this thread.
Um, it's porn. Don't take take it all personally with the "people chiming in to back you up" bit. Again, if I'm wrong I'm wrong and you're right. Great, you win a prize, but you still don't know who she is.
Im with you matter619. Ava is too well knowned. Its easy to see the difference of the two girl. i never saw this girl before and im hoping that someone wil find who she is.