Busty Redhead

Heres the redhead, who is she? Mz. Berlin??


Also, who is this, her name is Christina? Ehh??



Closed Account
Okay, the other one I have seen labeled as Christina Cross, but I haven't seen her in anything else to confirm that's her name.


Closed Account
Haha, okay it is. Didn't know she spelled it with a K, until Freeones knew exactly what I wanted. Hott finds, glad I could help somewhat.

Mz. Berlin is on Freeones, nice find though. Didn't know about her until your thread. Still looking for the other one.
Awesome, I guess I was too lazy, I didn't actually think it would be Mz Berlin lol. Thanks!!

Okay, the other one I have seen labeled as Christina Cross, but I haven't seen her in anything else to confirm that's her name.
YES! That is her, I remember I saw her before and Kristina Cross sounds familiar!

Haha, okay it is. Didn't know she spelled it with a K, until Freeones knew exactly what I wanted. Hott finds, glad I could help somewhat.
Thanks a lot! Really Appreciate it! :bowdown: