[NEEDS ID] Busty classic beauty from Golden Era?

Hi all, who is this beauty? I thought she might be Celeste or Tanya Danielle but could not find it... any ideas? Thanks



FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Tanya Danielle has always been a blonde. Never a brunette. Celeste was a good choice.

Kristi Curiali had problems with that website, kristicurialiforever, from the very start. About three weeks in, Visa stopped supporting it. Causing members to complain. They complained because she had .zip files of photo galleries from some of her other sites (foxes, kristicuriali.net, theoriginalkristicuriali, and a few photosets from Holly Randall) that she offered but they couldn't use Visa to purchase them. Many people didn't have another card. Others had to quit the site and re-enroll using Mastercard. I was one of those. Then Kristi promised updates of two photo galleries every other week and a video once a month. Kristi was also doing a cam show about every six weeks. Those live shows were the only redeeming feature at kristicurialiforever as well as some of her videos. When the photosets and the videos all dried up and she didn't do what she promised, that infuriated members even more. She disabled the comments sections of both the photo galleries as well as the videos. Eventually, however, she let the site go by the wayside and she let the domain expire.
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