Bullshit - 'Size Doesn't Matter'

I know a number of girls who tell me that despite what some women say size does matter.

One girl in particular said she went out with a guy for a while who was bigger than average but the guy she dated after him was only averagely sized. She said that she did not get the same pleasure from mr. average because it was like driving a Ford F-150 then crashing it and buying a Geo Metro.
Another girl i know will only go with a guy if she knows he is well endowed. Also one of my guy friends is called the sledgehammer because hes got a 10 incher. All of the girls we know desperately want to sleep with him.

So this crap about size not mattering is a load of bulshit.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Oh, I think it matters. I don't see many women running to the sex toy shop and buying a 3 inch dildo. At the same time, I think you also have to remember that size matters in the "too big" sense too. Not that a girl will ever have that problem with me.

Obviously, not all girls feel that way, but I know a lot of girls who have been honest in saying that size matters to them.



knows petras secret: she farted.
oh no. not this again. lets face it, we will never know so learn how to give great head. THATS what really matters.


size does matter. when i say i want 9 inches of ding dong, i dont mean 5 inches.


Closed Account
I think it matters, but not as much as some guys think. Majority of girls will overlook it and not be too bothered if it's too small. A big cock is more visual pleasure for a girl, because even if it is huge, you won't be able to fit it all inside her comfortably.

Shit, if a woman complains, tell her that her pussy is too fucking loose. Problem solved.
a good friend of mine, who's pretty hot, has always said that she loves big cocks, in fact she's always said the bigger the better, but of course other girls will have different opinions on the matter
I believe that the only the only size a woman really cares about is the size of a guys bank account.All things being equal,a woman will take a big wallet and a small dick any day of the week over the opposite.Women can always get a dildo to satisfy her "size" needs.:2 cents:
My friend has a 13 inch cock..he put two girls in the hospital because he ripped the inside of their vagina..and now since that story has been spread around..no girl wants to sleep with him..so you can have your huge penis..ill stick with my 7 1/2 inch..plus girls that usually say size matters and they want a 10+..that usually means theyve slept with a shitload of people and their pussy is warped and gapping..aka whores
Funny you should say that squirly, my mate with a 10 incher used to go out with a girl for about a year. He only slept with her a dozen times. She hated having sex with him because it used to be agony for her. The fact that he was a 'big boy' and she was barely 5 foot tall didnt help things!!
Size matter just like a lot of other factors. Your eye color, weight, financial status, car, apartment, hair and other things too. If you do not have what a particular woman wants in area it may be a deal breaker for her. Men just put the emphasis on penis size because we think if a woman doesn't like us its a sexual problem. Guys usually don't take the time think about things like personality, compatibility and being an idiotic loser with no ambition. If a woman only wants man because he has monster dick its no different than guys who only like girls with big breasts. Anyway, its not a big deal. Guys make sure you get your game together so if one bitch doesn't like you for any reason, you can easily get another one.:yinyang:


I believe that far and away most women are fine with average size. Or even smaller if they are smaller inside or the guy is a decent 'lover'.

I believe that some of those women would like to try a 'big' guy. Maybe even once in a while.

But I think most would rather her guy was roughly average. Few people are into pain and discomfort.

I do believe there are a relative minority that really prefer them bigger. And there are of course, 'size queens'. I also find that they are often very vocal about it.

And if one person thinks one thing and states it often, And if 3 people think another and almost never say it that you will tend to remember what the one person who was talking said then what the majority did not.

Bottom line? Even if I could push a button and have a 10-12 inch penis (which I don't have now) whenever I wanted; I would only want it about 5-10% of the time - maximum.


Closed Account
It doesn't matter to most. If it does then she has either been broken in by a big gun in a nice relationship or like someone suggested above been around. If its the first reason, the vagina is very forgiving and will eventually conform to you. If its the latter then chances are she is a porcupine (if she had as many sticking out as shes had stuck in she'd look like a porcupine) head for the hills.

Just a note, while there are many bitches in this world to casually refer to the whole gender as bitch is just wrong in my way of thinking. :)

Exactly plucuap. People are all individually different. You can't catagorize all people in one class and say they all want the same thing. Take me for example, I like chicks with perky lil titties. Big titties are nothing but excess fat in my eyes, and I'm actually turned off by them.


Guys like big breasts too. Does that mean that girls that don't have DD-cup should give up on ever having sex again? Jeez, this little observation ought to, for once, give you an insight in how women are looked upon by men all the time.

(and no I'm no ass-kissing feminist, just making a point)

That's a great point - IMO.
it matters to a point but i think that girls just want a guy who knows what hes doing rather than a guy with a boehemith dick that does not know what to do with it.
Guys like big breasts too. Does that mean that girls that don't have DD-cup should give up on ever having sex again? Jeez, this little observation ought to, for once, give you an insight in how women are looked upon by men all the time.

(and no I'm no ass-kissing feminist, just making a point)

I like big tits but I'm more of an ass and leg man so if a girl has small tits that's just as good for me as long as the ass and leg are there.Not sure I really agree with your analogy there but I see what you are getting at.
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