this bryci girl needs to do hardcore while she is sitll young and fresh. do it with her boyfriend why she does not, make lot of money.
that all i woud like to say thank youj for reading
While I appreciate your opinion, I think you're missing one very important fact...
It's not about the money. Not everyone is motivated by money to do anything at any cost. Guys might be, but women... not so much. :2 cents:
I myself have been doing sites for 12-13 years so yes, I understand fully what sells, what guys want etc. The whole principal behind Bryci.com is simple, the girl does what the girl wants to do.
She had plans on doing nude from the start of her site, she started non nude to get used to modeling, be comfortable with it and what not and then she moved to nude. It is HER CHOICE to not go further. I'm a guy so myself, it doesn't bother me either way. If she told me she wants to do this or that, as long as it makes her happy, cool.
I know some guys out there figure I am a typical boyfriend that gets jealous or what not and maybe in their shoes, I might think the same thing of me as well. Reality is, as I said, 12-13 years doing adult sites has taught me the obvious, there is no room for jealousy in this business.
Bryci does what she's cool with, but from what she has told me, she will never go harder then she is doing now. She's happy right now, why do more? To make someone else happy? That's why the majority of girls flake or drop offline... they do more then they want, can't deal with it and it's easier to leave then deal with the drama or headache.
Great thing about the internet though, Super_Noob, is that there are thousands of girls that *DO* hardcore so you'll have lots of girls to look at. Can I redirect you to
the Porn Star section of Freeones?
Thanks for your thoughts though man! :glugglug: