Re: 2 HC galleries - Britney Swallows
Yes, that would be the one!
Actually I was worried about that particular shot
And now I'M worried about it.
Why, you ask?
Because despite all efforts to focus on other things that picture keeps clogging my cerebral synapses!
It's like Britney kryptonite lol
and considered trashing it.
That would have been a complete travesty!
The lighting is pretty harsh. But then again, that's what the gallery is about. It's supposed to be un-glamorous, so in the end I kept it in my final selection.
Good call :thumbsup:
Un-glamorous can definitely work.
Matt at Matt's Models shot some non-glam sets of Hanna Hilton which are, imo, the best sets she's done. Harsh lighting, little or no makeup, spartan surroundings, no airbrushing...
My boobs look wild from that low angle.
They look great, and your legs look....[feeling faint]....
.....well....never mind.....[splashing face with cold water]
One doesn't see the "undersides" of hanging boobs that often, right?
Not as often as one would like [meaning about 23 hours per day and 24 on national holidays lol]
Seriously though - in terms of photographs yes I thought that was a relatively unique shot, which added to it's appeal.
[/What am I talking about, I guess there's probably a whole thread here dedicated to "undersides" of boobs *lol*
LOL Not that I'm aware of, but if you keep taking shots of that sort there's bound to be one soon...