***Breaking*** White House preparing draft for Trump to declare a state of emergency at the border

The fact that this leaked means they are testing the water...

Hey, Trumptards, how is taking money from the Pentagon and DHS making the country safer ?

And what about the people who owns the land on which Trump plans to build the wall ?

And, assuming this IS a national emergency, why did Trump waited two years to try funding the wall ? Why did he prioritized repealing ObamaCare (or at least trying to) and giving tax breaks to the rich ?
The reality is that the wall was never a priority, he's just fed with Ann Coulter roasting him about it

Anyway, 7 billions won't get you the wall, only a portion of it, it's not enough to fund the construction of the entire wall (which would require, at the bare minimum, 20 billions)

As I said before, Trump will be out of office before the wall is built
The fact that this leaked means they are testing the water...

Hey, Trumptards, how is taking money from the Pentagon and DHS making the country safer ?

And what about the people who owns the land on which Trump plans to build the wall ?

And, assuming this IS a national emergency, why did Trump waited two years to try funding the wall ? Why did he prioritized repealing ObamaCare (or at least trying to) and giving tax breaks to the rich ?
The reality is that the wall was never a priority, he's just fed with Ann Coulter roasting him about it

Anyway, 7 billions won't get you the wall, only a portion of it, it's not enough to fund the construction of the entire wall (which would require, at the bare minimum, 20 billions)

As I said before, Trump will be out of office before the wall is built
You also said that it would never be started. He just won re-election by declaring this a national emergency fool. And he will be able to get the remaining funding from the next defense budget allocations.
6 more glorious years.
Deal with it.
Which of these doesn't belong with the rest?

Shelling of Fort Sumter
Pearl Harbor
9/11 Attacks
Migrant Caravan in Tijuana

You also said that it would never be started. He just won re-election by declaring this a national emergency fool. And he will be able to get the remaining funding from the next defense budget allocations.
6 more glorious years.
Deal with it.
Declaring national emergency (Which, again, hasn't happened yet. Don't count your chickens before they hatched) doesn't mean the construction starts. There's still a lot of issues to deal with before that. Starting with dealing with the people owning the land on which Trum plans to build. his wall.
I've heard these lands could be seized by government. That would be a clear violation of the 4th Amendment, the kind that even a 9-0 Republican Supreme Court would rule unconstitutionnal.
Not even mentionning the irony of having Trumptards who, for 8 years, pretended Obama would go after people's guns to then support a government who would go after people's houses.

Pool Hustler said:
Which of these doesn't belong with the rest?

Shelling of Fort Sumter
Pearl Harbor
9/11 Attacks
Migrant Caravan in Tijuana
Fort Sumter. It's the only in which the attack wasn't conducted by foreigners but US traitors