***Breaking*** Bill Clinton facing NEW accusations of sexual assault

Oh no, the leader of the party from 20 years ago! I guess the dems should just pack it up and go home, because this makes Roy Moore's pedophilia ok.

And once again, if a significant number of democrats stand up and make excuses and defenses for Clinton, then maybe you will have a comparable situation.

Your desperation is entertaining.
Oh no, the leader of the party from 20 years ago! I guess the dems should just pack it up and go home, because this makes Roy Moore's pedophilia ok.

And once again, if a significant number of democrats stand up and make excuses and defenses for Clinton, then maybe you will have a comparable situation.

Your desperation is entertaining.

Unlike Bill Clinton, there is no evidence that Roy Moore has committed any act of sexual assault. And a significant number DID stand up and make excuses for Bill Clinton as a candidate and president. They are called the media and the DNC.

If anyone serves as high hilarity around here it’s you.

Any updates on that gay marriage thing down your way?
Since you insist on continually bringing that up as a diversion from your own weak positions, I'll give you the current status:

Australia voted overwhelmingly to allow gay marriage. The expectation is that now the government will pass the appropriate legislation and finally end this embarrassing farce. The ignorant and bigoted in our country (sadly, people like you don't just exist on planet America) are pissing and moaning about religious freedoms, which is of course ridiculous as it is entirely possible to allow basic human rights to one portion of the population without removing them from another. So the majority, the decent folk, are hoping that they are ignored, because reasoning with them isn't an option, the law is passed before the end of the year, and we can move on with forgetting this shameful part of our history was ever forced onto us by a prime minister almost as weak and spineless as your current president.
Oh no, the leader of the party from 20 years ago! I guess the dems should just pack it up and go home, because this makes Roy Moore's pedophilia ok.

And once again, if a significant number of democrats stand up and make excuses and defenses for Clinton, then maybe you will have a comparable situation.

Your desperation is entertaining.

Still, Fox is gonna cover this 24/7, because a sex scandal about a former resident who's mandate ended more than 15 years ago is more relevant than a vicious tax plan that's gonna have repercussions for years (if not decades) and has a -27% approval rating :facepalm:
I am glad Trump is a billionaire himself. He can buy his own prostitutes and he has a shinier air fuck one since it has gold plated interiors.
Oh no, the leader of the party from 20 years ago! I guess the dems should just pack it up and go home, because this makes Roy Moore's pedophilia ok.

And once again, if a significant number of democrats stand up and make excuses and defenses for Clinton, then maybe you will have a comparable situation.

Your desperation is entertaining.

I stopped reading at Edward Klein

His private jet was nicknamed “Air Fuck One”

Karma: Reap it motherfuckers

And W almost bankrupted the world, sat on his thumb while New Orleans drowned,
ignored intel that could have stopped 9/11, still looking for ANY WMD's,
so why don't you cast your stones some place else.
Bill was/is a horny fucker, with really poor taste if you ask me.
And now you follow an orange clown with a bad comb over????
For fucks sake.
And W almost bankrupted the world, sat on his thumb while New Orleans drowned,
ignored intel that could have stopped 9/11, still looking for ANY WMD's,
so why don't you cast your stones some place else.
Bill was/is a horny fucker, with really poor taste if you ask me.
And now you follow an orange clown with a bad comb over????
For fucks sake.

We are dealing with North Korea because of Bill Clinton’s sorry ass. That orange clown already has us chugging along at 2 percent growth, something Obama barely saw in his 8 years if at all.

And as much as I dislike GWB, it was the housing bubble that almost “bankrupted” the world.

It turns out that Ray Nagen ( who is now in prison) wanted New Orleans to drown.

Sit down fool.
We are dealing with North Korea because of Bill Clinton’s sorry ass. That orange clown already has us chugging along at 2 percent growth, something Obama barely saw in his 8 years if at all.

And as much as I dislike GWB, it was the housing bubble that almost “bankrupted” the world.

It turns out that Ray Nagen ( who is now in prison) wanted New Orleans to drown.

Sit down fool.

Always a patsy never a fact....
The Chinese are why we are dealing with North Korea.
Go get some waves your getting testy again.