Answer my question please
I just did. Not surprised you can't grasp it.
Answer my question please
Answer my question please
Do you own a business? Do you file articles of incorporation on a regular basis?
I have family members that are 4th generation farmers. There are no incentives to hire American workers when illegals are plentiful. 3 Mexicans apply for work and 1 American, they hire the Mexicans because of loopholes and tax filings.withholdings.
They are driving down wages and you don't have any idea of what you are talking about. Employees only have to provide documentation,Employers they do not have to verify it.
"They do the jobs that Americans won't" is another lie pushed by the left just like "There is no such thing as voter fraud"
Are you always this patronizing? No I don't own a business but I'm first generation latino(Mexican) and I have family members who owns businesses, of which I grew up working in. Now do you have any data to support your anecdotes? Or is this coming from the BC Institute?
North Carolina needed 6,500 farm workers. Only 7 Americans stuck it out
On U.S. Farms, Fewer Hands for the Harvestroducers raise wages, enhance benefits, but a worker shortage grows with tighter border
I just did. Not surprised you can't grasp it.
no you didn't, you just gave me a meaningless arbitrary quote to make yourself feel clever.
You use your own definition of what an immigrant/alien is just up this very page: Immigration is a legal process. Now considering that there was no legal paperwork filled in by those settlers when the first pilgrims settled in what was to become known as America, then by your very own definition they were aliens.
no you didn't, you just gave me a meaningless arbitrary quote..
And since there were no laws they were known as settlers. Not immigrants nor aliens...
.class dismissed.
First, it is not some meaningless arbitrary quote.
It is a quote from John Adams and expresses perfectly why the rule of law is so important to the foundation of this country and why we have such a great country.
I would only expect a dimwit like you that doesn't give a fuck about the course of your own country to view it as such.
They seem like a well balanced and credible organisation.
- A member once wrote that hispanic immigrants should be shot because they multiply like a bunch of rats
- Another called to use tomahawk missles on drug lords
- Sheriff Joe Arpio is a supporter whose sweeps of latino areas of Phoenix are being federally investigated
- FAIR took money from a foundation which promotes theories of the superiority of whites
The rule of law which was created to justify the first aliens for destroying the centuries old culture of the native people there.
They are as well balanced and fair as any of the left-wing sources and they are actually factual.
Now, let's get to the important issue at hand here. I am a natural born American citizen, you are not and can never be. My country is the greatest country on earth. Which makes me and my country better than you or your country.
When we want advice from a toothless drunken Scot sheep fucker about our immigration policy, we'll ask for it.
A war was waged, whitey prevailed and his privilege lives on. That must really stick in your craw.
1. You may have been born in America, but unless your roots are 100% native American (which i highly doubt) then your ancestors will have come from overseas which makes you part alien
2. In what sense is America the best country in the world? Is certainly isnt the best in eductation (14th), literacy (33rd), national satisfaction (19th), health care (44th), peace (101st), gender equality (23rd), child wellbeing (26th), happiness (17th) or even internet download speeds (33rd)
You are the highest in number of prisoners though (1st) and come a close second in ignorance so good work there.
3. I have all my own teeth thank you very much
I know for a fact that those numbers are bullshit and is anecdotal evidence to forward an agenda.
it wasnt a war, it was genocide.
Ever heard of the phrase 'history is written by the victors'?
Our diversity is a part of both the benefit and our detriment when it comes to statistics. A diversity that you have only really begun to experience in the 20th century. If you examine the subsets of White, Asian and Indian Americans we excel above any other nation
The numbers drop off considerably when you factor in the African American and Hispanic demographic. Does that mean all of them are not motivated? Of course not.
It also makes up a significant portion of the prison population
At least one thing is for sure, those groups with all their problems, still are a Christian segment of the population. Not like the 7th century Muslim goat fluffers that are taking you over..