^Same here, also lots of "token has expired" when I try to click on a thread. Couldn't edit a post I made within less than a minute etc.
^Same here, also lots of "token has expired" when I try to click on a thread. Couldn't edit a post I made within less than a minute etc.
Same here, and keep getting logged out too....seems this happens most of times after a maintenance.....really getting f***** annoyed by this. Dont mind it happening sometimes, but almost every single time after maintenance it seems. I am sure you guys work hard to keep this site up and running, but it happen soooooo many times......logged in about 50 times just to communicate here on the board.
(just replying here took me ages.......)
Search is still buggy.
Sometimes it works but usually I get the messages:
"This forum requires that you wait 20 seconds between searches. Please try again in 13789 seconds."
"Your submission could not be processed because the token has expired.
Please push the back button and reload the previous window."
Thanks guys, for now I have no issues,but still early ! Thanks again for working on it, I love this freaking board so much
Adam, not so fast.
The time seems off on the board by approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Please see my reported post on Amanda Corey, second post, "Ass in Jeans" thread, Niches and Fetishes. As I thought time had expired. Though not really. The bottomline is that we cannot make edits to our posts.