Bitchy girls

I'm looking for vids portraying girls with bad attitudes getting fucked. Not niche, femdom shit with handcuffs and spanking, mind you...I'm not into that. No bondage. I'm simply beckoning scenes with girls who exude a certain disrespect, as exemplified in these Brazzers scenes...

1st vid

2nd vid,0,0,0,75261

1st and 2nd vids,0,0,0,80891
These were all very hot scenes. When the girls fucking mouth off and "sass" back when they get fucked and have a cock shoved in their fucking dirty mouths is a great turn on! lets see more!
Thanks for the feedback, but I'm going to need some help if this thread is going to flourish. It's really hard to find stuff that doesn't cross over into lame femdom. Brazzers seems to be the best source by far, but Naughty America might have some too...

1st clip

1st clip

Even though in your second example that's the first time that girl ever spoke naughitly, its a nice fucking start and a good reason to shove a cock in her fucking mouth!
Thanks for the feedback, but I'm going to need some help if this thread is going to flourish. It's really hard to find stuff that doesn't cross over into lame femdom. Brazzers seems to be the best source by far, but Naughty America might have some too...

1st clip

1st clip

"jezuschrist! There's beer on my fucking floor!" I find it especially hot when porn girls speak this way. Lets find more!


nice work. i started a thread on this very subject some time ago but didn't get much feedback. nothing like seeing a girl with a bad attitude get the smile wiped off her face