Usually riding a bike where I live in the rain is a bad idea even, for even more than the obvious reasons. Unless you’re somebody that is extremely familiar with the roads around here it can get dangerous even in good weather. In perfect weather they have sand strewn about them in some corners because they don't use enough clay on the sides of the road and even worse there is a bunch of patches and potholes that have popped up in the last few years that aren't going to be fixed any time soon. The rain can make those hard to see especially the potholes where you can't tell if there is a little pool of water there or a 6-inch deep hole. Which is too bad, there are some excellent back roads around here with some good curves. Some of them would make a great section of a racetrack on some road course somewhere. Unfortunately if you screw up there is nothing but trees to stop your momentum so there is a good chance riding a bike would kill you if you pushed it. Even going normal speed in a car is fun on them though.