Big brother at it again.

The US justice dept. has sent out fliers to all California marijuana shops alerting them that they are in violation of federal law and have 46 days to close or be subject to federal arrests.
Even though the state itself has voted as a people to allow these shops. Why would our government, in these trying times, choose to waste money we dont have to enforce laws that nobody wants anyway? To what end? Your thoughts?
Because the US Federal government pisses on the 10th amendment every day for almost a century now, and cannot let their grasp of power go without a fight. Same thing with the immigration bills being passed by states who are trying to do what the Feds can't (i.e., enforce their own laws).

It's all about power, and the Feds are wrong in this case, as well as most others, when it comes to the right of a state to pass it's own laws that do not violate the US Constitution. :2 cents:
Using money to close hippie shops, or you use it to help people who have shitty lives due to self-inflicted "disorders" or "addictions" or laziness, either way it's wasted, so big difference.
Re: Big brother at it again

Or Big fat governors using helicopters at $100,000 a pop to watch their brats play little league baseball.
Didn't the Obama administration say they were going to shy away from going after people where the states made it legal for some purposes?

One of MANY broken promises made by BHO. :2 cents:


what the fuck you lookin at?
The US justice dept. has sent out fliers to all California marijuana shops alerting them that they are in violation of federal law and have 46 days to close or be subject to federal arrests.
Even though the state itself has voted as a people to allow these shops. Why would our government, in these trying times, choose to waste money we dont have to enforce laws that nobody wants anyway? To what end? Your thoughts?

The government doesn't want weed to be legal, because they aren't making any money. Plain and simple. If they aren't making money or wasting money, they ain't happy. And will make everyone elses life miserable.

Granted the marijuana laws in california are so lax that anyone can get a medical card. It's kinda a joke really. But there are people who really do benefit from it. cancer patients for one!
"Let it not be said that no one cared, that no one objected once it’s realized that our liberties and wealth are in jeopardy." — Ron Paul
"Let it not be said that no one cared, that no one objected once it’s realized that our liberties and wealth are in jeopardy." — Ron Paul

Yeah, too bad Ron Paul cares more about "liberty" when it benefits him or his supporters or because it allows people or the society he comes from the "freedom" to exploit others for their own benefit as much or more than he does because it's an inherent human right. (Which an unlimited right to property and wealth isn't a right anyhow.)
In my opinion the Federal Gov is too big, and the states have always ignored certain federal laws.
I have heard that they only wanted to crack down on the places that were abusing the system; however that is a loaded statement; but yes there is a lot of abuse in this system.
Nobody really understands the laws right now, and this is just going to turn into a huge cluster fuck. This is going to hurt the already fragile economy. Many small businesses out side the industry have vested in this very profitable industry.
I do not understand why it has not been legalized yet, probably some political nonsense. If it were up to me (which it is not because poiliticans do not care about you and me), I would use every last taxable penny into fixing our schools.
No politician should make more than any school teacher.

Sorry about the rant....


it's probably a political liability for Obama not to close these places down

'the president who lets drugs be distributed into the community' is surely a potent talking point for his conservative opponents

Using money to close hippie shops, or you use it to help people who have shitty lives due to self-inflicted "disorders" or "addictions" or laziness....

don't these places provide weed for cancer patients?
Hemp production (different from marijuana) should be brought back to the states immediately IMO, this would definitely help to create a good amount of jobs and give the U.S. an excellent crop to export BUT the corrupt Food & Drug Administration can't allow this to happen which is why they should be abolished


The current medical marijuana ''system'' in California is flaky at best because there are no legitimate checks and balances between the growers and the collectives. Really, can four medical marijuana prescribed ... ummm... ''patients'' really smoke up the amount of buds that you'd find in a 14' X 30' greenhouse? Yea, right! :rolleyes: :zombie:
The growers are prolly selling 1/10th of their production to the clubs and the rest ends up on the streets.