Big Brother 15 (U.S.)


Bronze Member
Is anyone watching this season of the CBS reality TV show "Big Brother"? It's turning out to be the most controversial season yet. What do you guys think about it?


Bronze Member
Here's a video clip of the infamous bed incident that occur in this season's Big Brother betweeen house guests Candice Stewart, Aaryn Gries, and GinaMarie Zimmerman:


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
That show is still on TV? It makes glad all the more I pretty much stopped watching television years ago.

I'm not far behind you. Once Breaking Bad ends, about all I'll have left is Hell on Wheels and The Walking Dead. Within the next year or two (when those shows go away), I think I'll try to find some other way to watch Formula One and then I'll just switch DirecTV off.

I went out with a girl who was into Big Brother about five years ago (the one with Jordan/Jordumb... the dumb blonde with fake tits from North Carolina and her showmance boyfriend, Jeffy Weffy). I'd never seen the show before. I watched a few episodes out of morbid curiosity and then realized how incredibly retarded it was. I stopped watching it and broke up with that girl. I felt so much better once both were out of my life.

I've heard about this controversy. Stupid people say and do stupid things. I already knew that, so I'm not surprised at anything said by these people.