Little Red Wagon Repairman
I'm looking to get the best microwavable pizza out there. I don't have a CostCo membership and I need to get a new stove and use the microwave for everything now.
Tonight I had Red Baron Deep Dish Supreme Singles. There were 2 in a package and you remove the plastic but keep it in the microwave coaster do-hickey. Took 3 minutes in the microwave and let it sit 1 minute afterward. When I took it out it was a little soggy but not too bad. The cheese melted but didn't brown. I loaded the 2 little pizzas up with red pepper flakes and ate them. Not too bad but I'd like to see if there is anything better. I would eat them again. As good as pizza from gas station. Not bad.
Tonight I had Red Baron Deep Dish Supreme Singles. There were 2 in a package and you remove the plastic but keep it in the microwave coaster do-hickey. Took 3 minutes in the microwave and let it sit 1 minute afterward. When I took it out it was a little soggy but not too bad. The cheese melted but didn't brown. I loaded the 2 little pizzas up with red pepper flakes and ate them. Not too bad but I'd like to see if there is anything better. I would eat them again. As good as pizza from gas station. Not bad.