Best games you played so far this year?



what the fuck you lookin at?
Fallout 3 and I was pleasantly surprised by Rainbow Six Vegas 2.
Games I bought this year for XBOX 360:
Street Fighter IV
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger
Red Faction: Guerrilla
Fable II
Rainbow Six Vegas
Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Lost Odyssey (haven't started it yet)

Games on Pre-Order
King of Fighters XII
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Fallout 3.
Terminator Salvation [VERY SHORT, but sweet, wait till you can pick it up cheap].

I hope Wolfenstein when it arrives in august, is even half as good as Return to Castle Wolfenstein, as it was great on the PC.
MLB The show 09 - a must if you're a baseball fan. It's PS3 only, but it blows 2K sports baseball game away.

I want that game so badly, but my nephew has my PS3 for the summer. 2K9 was awful.

Back to topic:

Fallout 3 is amazing so far.
I'm liking Ghost Busters as well.
nhl09 (360)
Heavenly Sword
motorstorm2: PR
Rockband2 (ps3)
mlb09 theshow
RedFaction guerilla:multiplayer (ps3)
GRID (360)
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (PS3)


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I really like Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X, I want to use The Harv in single...
Sacred 2 is really fun.
Is it just me or does this seem like a really weak year for video games in general? Even if I could afford one of the new consoles there is just nothing out there that seems that great and would make me want to go out of my way to play it.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Is it just me or does this seem like a really weak year for video games in general? Even if I could afford one of the new consoles there is just nothing out there that seems that great and would make me want to go out of my way to play it.

fairly weak yes. There has been nothing that really struck me as fantastic yet. Rainbow Six vegas 2 is from last year or the year before. I just now got around to playing it. I've yet to play a good solid 09 release game. I'm sure that'll change when Modern Warfare 2 comes out though!
Is it just me or does this seem like a really weak year for video games in general? Even if I could afford one of the new consoles there is just nothing out there that seems that great and would make me want to go out of my way to play it.

In fairness, last year was a pretty remarkable year for gaming, so almost any other year is going to pale in comparison.