Tonight, The History Channel had a two-hours post-pandemic special called After Armageddon. It was pretty good, despite having nothing to do with history.
But that got me thinking; between this, The Book of Eli and the rapture episode of American Dad, that post-apocalyptic/dystopian police state fiction is usually pretty long as Will Smith, Kevin Costner or Keanu Reeves ain't in it. What are your favorites. And yes, zombie movies count.
Mine are:
Mad Max trilogy (Obviously)
Children of Men
28 Days Later
Terminator 2 (that one blurs the line a bit, I know)
Comic Books/Graphic Novels:
V for Vendetta
Just a Pilgrim
Y the Last Man
The Family Guy: Da Boom
Twilight Zone: Time Enough at Last
The Colony (interesting concept, but poor execution)
Most disappointing was Ternminator: Salvation. It had so much potential, but ended up being a total waste.
But that got me thinking; between this, The Book of Eli and the rapture episode of American Dad, that post-apocalyptic/dystopian police state fiction is usually pretty long as Will Smith, Kevin Costner or Keanu Reeves ain't in it. What are your favorites. And yes, zombie movies count.
Mine are:
Mad Max trilogy (Obviously)
Children of Men
28 Days Later
Terminator 2 (that one blurs the line a bit, I know)
Comic Books/Graphic Novels:
V for Vendetta
Just a Pilgrim
Y the Last Man
The Family Guy: Da Boom
Twilight Zone: Time Enough at Last
The Colony (interesting concept, but poor execution)
Most disappointing was Ternminator: Salvation. It had so much potential, but ended up being a total waste.