Best dystopian future/Apocolypse movies?

Tonight, The History Channel had a two-hours post-pandemic special called After Armageddon. It was pretty good, despite having nothing to do with history.

But that got me thinking; between this, The Book of Eli and the rapture episode of American Dad, that post-apocalyptic/dystopian police state fiction is usually pretty long as Will Smith, Kevin Costner or Keanu Reeves ain't in it. What are your favorites. And yes, zombie movies count.

Mine are:
Mad Max trilogy (Obviously)
Children of Men
28 Days Later
Terminator 2 (that one blurs the line a bit, I know)

Comic Books/Graphic Novels:
V for Vendetta
Just a Pilgrim
Y the Last Man

The Family Guy: Da Boom
Twilight Zone: Time Enough at Last
The Colony (interesting concept, but poor execution)

Most disappointing was Ternminator: Salvation. It had so much potential, but ended up being a total waste.
Why is the History Channel so obsessed with the end of the world these days? :1orglaugh

My favorites are Mad Max, Road Warrior, Children of Men, 28 Days Later, and one from 1990 that was just released on dvd, Hardware (which I recommend if you like the Mad Max movies).
Why is the History Channel so obsessed with the end of the world these days? :1orglaugh

It really is getting bad. This, Life After People, The Doomsday Clock...all the Doomsday scenarios, Nostradamus and Mayan predictions...

They should change their name to The Pawn Shop, Space and Bleak Future Channel.
I didnt catch the show but I will look for it.

Some good ones IMO are

The Matrix
V for Vendetta
Resident Evil
12 Monkeys
The Day After Tomorrow

Why is the History Channel so obsessed with the end of the world these days? :1orglaugh

Look around why wouldnt they be. Would rather watch that than some bullshit reality show or most other garbage on tv
Children of Men was the best acted movie out of the bunch you mentioned.

I've always been a horror fan though and Zombie apocolypse movies have been a favorite of mine. I'm partial to Romero but there are plenty of good ones. 28 Days Later is one f my favorites.

Recently saw DeadAir, horror, about terrorist releasing chemicals thats made people zombie like. I thought it was better than I was hoping due mainly to Bill Moseley's (Otis from Devils Rejects) acting.


Haven't seen it yet, but I'm gonna throw The Road in there.

and one from 1990 that was just released on dvd, Hardware (which I recommend if you like the Mad Max movies).

I watched it a few days ago, was very disappointed. The build up was good, the setting etc, but the final chapter was a waste of fucking time ("Oh noes, theres a robot in my bedroom!").

Children of Men
is one of my favourite films, and I also think it's hugely underrated, deserved to be one of the biggest films of the decade.
28 Days Later was good. I also liked The Quiet Earth. The Day After was an important film back in the days. And let me add The Brady Bunch.


Mad Max is a must.

I have a feeling Book of Eli is going to be good also.
Battlestar Galactica, The 12 Colonies of Man: 50 billion people, are wiped out in a nuclear holocaust by the machines they created as soldiers and servants. 50,000 survivors barely escape into space with the Cylons hunting them down, while the last of the human race search for a new home on another planet and try to stay civilized. It's technically 150,000 years in the past but it doesn't get any bleaker then that.
Road Warrior
Robocop -a bit blurry, it takes place in a slightly more violent Detroit (jk jk jk :) )
Dawn of the Dead (1978)
The Matrix
Escape From New York
Terminator (1984)
Dawn of the Dead (2004)


My Penis Is Dancing!
BattleStar Galactica was the first that came to mind (the newer reboot, not the original).
I like both the original and new Dawn of the Dead. Of course, the original Night of the Living Dead deserves a nod.
Mad Max and Road Warrior are quite good.
The Quiet Earth was quite chilling.
If you want to see a disturbing nuclear war flick, catch Threads.
I liked the first part of The Stand.
The original and 1970s remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers are classics.
I liked Pandorum.
On The Beach had little action, but was quite a good character study.
I liked The Mist quite a bit - including the very shocking ending.
If you like quirky movies, I highly recommend Six String Samurai.
I've yet to see The Road or Book of Eli, but both look quite good.

NBBCash Matze

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12 Monkeys
yeah that is one of my top3 favorite movies, don't know why but I still love this flick although I've seen it hundreds of times.

"Knowing" was also great, better than 2012 in my eyes (ok it's hard to compare these two but the cause of Armageddon is the same :1orglaugh)
2012 was more fun than scary.
As most of mine have already been mentioned ^^

I think I'll just mention a film that hasn't been mentioned yet: Dark City.
History Channel must have some foresight if they are showing so much about the end of the world.

Sheesh. They need to focus on things they know... something along the lines of history. Even yesterday's stories they can focus on if need be, that is history. All this bullshit about the end of the world and all that, this whole Armageddon crap, Nostradamus bullshit, bah!

Don't know jack shit and it is all guesses and imaginations running wild. Not to mention it makes gullible people stupid and hazardous! Remember Y2K? When if went to the grocery store had to wait in line behind a bunch of idiots buying box after box of water and rice?

I hope they all are enjoying their five year supply of water and rice!

Oh! Let me get back on subject here: I like Resident Evil Extinction. And Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory remake. You tell me that last film isn't the end of the world based and I'll show it to you and see how long you stay sane!


Blade Runner
Silent Running(like 5 dudes on eco ships with some robots for company, rather bleak)
28 days later
Original planet of the apes
Mad max for definite, Fallout probably partly based on it

And yea must get around to seeing Soylant green

PS> Oh yea and equilibrium for the sheer entertainment factor