Berlin: A Civil Police Vehicle Gets Towed On Duty - Now The Towing Company Won't Tell Where It's At


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
This is awesome:

While on duty during a drug raid, two german police officers in plain clothes, with their undercover Toyota, parked it during their activities. After finishing their drug raid, they headed back to their car, to find it gone. Later that night, the police station calls the towing company. Where is our car?

"First you pay the fee of 321 Euros, then we tell you."

No argument swayed the company's people.

The police let their legal advisor give his perspective, he stated, "They were in their police job, which gives them the official special rights, including parking anywhere they see fit for performing their duty."

"Sorry, we don't care pay the 321 Euros, you get the address."

At the moment, the officers at the station got the clear "NO" to take cash from their personal accounts etc. to shortcut this, this mindboggling thing has to go it's legal course. You just can't make this shit up!