Bedouins looking for water Don't mistake, the haze on the background is a fata morgana
dzorba2000 Feb 9, 2010 #1 Bedouins looking for water Don't mistake, the haze on the background is a fata morgana Attachments 44270_Angela_Worthing_003_123_957lo.jpg 23.7 KB · Views: 255
tartanterrier Is somewhere outhere. Feb 9, 2010 #3 I hope they don't get caught or they be stuck in a dungeon getting whipped by the Emirati police :eek:
I hope they don't get caught or they be stuck in a dungeon getting whipped by the Emirati police :eek:
nightwanker Proud first owner of FreeOnes Playing Cards Feb 10, 2010 #6 What background?
maildude Postal Paranoiac Feb 10, 2010 #7 This must be faked or at least staged. These "girls" must wear the abaya, even in the most harsh of desert conditions. Also the niqab must be worn to protect their faces from scorpion bites, as well as from the wrath of the mutawwa. :nono:
This must be faked or at least staged. These "girls" must wear the abaya, even in the most harsh of desert conditions. Also the niqab must be worn to protect their faces from scorpion bites, as well as from the wrath of the mutawwa. :nono:
PlasmaTwa2 The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement Feb 10, 2010 #8 I want to spank that sunburnt ass. :tongue: